Favorite Picks Archives - The Education Magazine https://www.theeducationmagazine.com/category/favorite-picks/ The Education Magazine Mon, 08 Jan 2024 07:01:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 https://www.theeducationmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/cropped-The-Education-Magazine-Fevicon_64X64-32x32.png Favorite Picks Archives - The Education Magazine https://www.theeducationmagazine.com/category/favorite-picks/ 32 32 Everything You Need to Know About the Future of Education Leadership https://www.theeducationmagazine.com/future-of-education-leadership/ Fri, 05 Jan 2024 13:25:04 +0000 https://www.theeducationmagazine.com/?p=25404 The future of education leadership interests many educators and policymakers. They want to improve education systems. However, educational leadership is not just managing schools or classrooms. It is also influencing and inspiring teachers, students, and parents. Furthermore, educational leadership is dynamic and evolving. It responds to the 21st-century needs and challenges. For example, the education […]

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The future of education leadership interests many educators and policymakers. They want to improve education systems. However, educational leadership is not just managing schools or classrooms. It is also influencing and inspiring teachers, students, and parents. Furthermore, educational leadership is dynamic and evolving. It responds to the 21st-century needs and challenges. For example, the education technology market will grow to $404.44 billion in 2025. This creates opportunities and challenges for educational leaders.

In this article, you will learn about the future of education leadership. We will tell you about the importance, skills, upcoming trends, necessary tools, and careers that will be seen in the future of educational leadership. Therefore, if you aspire to be an educational leader, this article is for you.

Importance of Education Leadership

Education leadership is essential for the success and quality of education systems. It involves guiding and influencing the talents and energies of teachers, students, and parents toward achieving common educational goals. Education leaders also face various challenges and opportunities in the 21st century, such as climate change, technological innovation, and social diversity. They need to adapt and evolve their skills and strategies to meet the changing needs and expectations of learners, educators, and society.

According to various studies, effective education leadership can improve student outcomes, teacher satisfaction, and school culture. Moreover, education leadership can foster innovation, collaboration, and accountability in the educational sector. Therefore, education leadership is important for creating and sustaining positive learning environments and communities.

Skills Needed

Some of the skills needed to work in the field of education leadership are:

  • Analytical thinking
  • Collaboration
  • Leadership

These skills enable education leaders to identify problems, generate solutions, and implement changes systematically and effectively. They also help education leaders to work with diverse stakeholders, build trust and rapport, and inspire and motivate others to achieve shared goals.

Additionally, education leaders need to develop the following skills to deal with the complex and dynamic issues of modern times:

  • Emotional intelligence
  • Cultural competence
  • Ethical awareness
  • Strategic Thinking
  • Negotiation
  • Servant Leadership
  • Project Management

These skills help education leaders to understand and manage their own and others’ emotions, respect and value diversity, and act with integrity and responsibility.

Digitization of Education: One of the main trends in the future of education leadership is the increased digitization of the educational environment. Technology can enhance learning outcomes, improve efficiency, and foster innovation. For example, artificial intelligence, learning analytics, and adaptive learning can help personalize learning, provide feedback, and optimize instruction1. However, technology also poses some risks, such as ethical, privacy, and security issues, that educational leaders will need to address. The global e-learning market is estimated to reach $336.98 billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 9.1%.

Social and Emotional Learning: Another trend in the future of education leadership is the importance of social and emotional learning (SEL). SEL is the process of learning how to understand and control emotions, form and sustain meaningful relationships, and make responsible decisions. Research shows that SEL can improve the academic performance, mental health, and well-being of students and teachers. Therefore, educational leaders will need to promote a positive learning environment that supports SEL by providing professional development, implementing effective classroom management strategies, and engaging with stakeholders. The global Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) market was worth USD 1445.19 million in 2021 and is predicted to grow at an 18.96% CAGR during the forecast period, reaching USD 4096.13 million by 2027.

Changing Student Demographics: A third trend in the future of education leadership is the changing student demographics. The student population is becoming more diverse in terms of race, ethnicity, culture, language, socioeconomic status, and learning needs. Educational leaders will need to ensure that the curriculum, instruction, and assessment are culturally responsive, inclusive, and equitable. Moreover, educational leaders will need to address the challenges of access, affordability, and quality of higher education, especially in the context of the global pandemic and the economic crisis.

Tools That Can Be Used on a Large Scale in the Future of Education Leadership

Some tools that will be used on a large scale by education professionals in the future are:

  • V.R.: Creates immersive and interactive learning experiences for students and teachers. It also simulates different scenarios and challenges for leaders.
  • Gamification: Motivates and rewards learners. It also provides feedback and assessment for leaders.
  • AI: Artificial Intelligence personalizes and adapts learning content. It also provides data and insights for leaders.
  • Digital Readers: Provides access and convenience to a variety of learning resources. They also support reading comprehension and literacy for leaders.
  • Cloud technology: Stores and shares information and resources. It also facilitates collaboration and communication for leaders.

Future of Education Leadership: Upcoming Careers

These are some of the posts that could be in big demand looking at the future of education leadership.

  • Educational Leadership Seminar Facilitator: This is a professional who leads a hybrid initiative that brings together high-level education policy-makers and planners with international experts to develop a change mindset, navigate complex and uncertain landscapes, and lead and implement with impact.
  • Digital Enterprise Leader: This is a leader who will adapt to the increased digitization of the educational environment and leverage technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain, and the cloud to build a digital enterprise and reinvent existing products and services.
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Specialist: This is a leader who will ensure that the curriculum, instruction, and assessment are culturally responsive, inclusive, and equitable for the diverse student population. Moreover, this leader can address the challenges of access, affordability, and quality of higher education, especially in the context of the global pandemic and the economic crisis.

In conclusion, this is all the necessary information one must know regarding the future of education leadership. We have summed up the importance, necessary skills needed, upcoming trends and careers, and popular tools that would be widely used for this field. We hope you gained valuable knowledge from this article.

ALSO READ: The Future of Education: Embracing Technological Innovations and Holistic Learning

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Discover the Top 5 Education Apps For K12 Education Sector https://www.theeducationmagazine.com/education-apps-for-k12-education-sector/ Fri, 02 Jun 2023 05:40:51 +0000 https://www.theeducationmagazine.com/?p=20834 The education apps market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 28.61% between 2022 and 2027, indicating a rapid expansion in its reach and impact. With such promising growth projections, the demand for education apps in the K12 education sector is soaring. Furthermore, the market size forecasts to increase by USD 124,782.56 million, highlighting […]

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The education apps market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 28.61% between 2022 and 2027, indicating a rapid expansion in its reach and impact. With such promising growth projections, the demand for education apps in the K12 education sector is soaring. Furthermore, the market size forecasts to increase by USD 124,782.56 million, highlighting the significant investment and interest in these digital learning tools. This article will delve into the top five education apps for the K12 education sector, leading the way in this burgeoning market and empowering students and educators with cutting-edge educational resources and immersive experiences.

1. Edmodo

Edmodo, the sought-after learning management solution, is hailed as the next-gen tool connecting teachers and students for seamless information sharing. With user-friendly interfaces on web and mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, this app empowers teachers to effortlessly manage classes, engage with students, organize lessons, and evaluate their progress. Teachers can easily set up multiple classes, share documents, and create diverse projects, while students can access lessons and submit assignments online. Additionally, parents can monitor their child’s activities and track their performance.

2. ClassDojo

ClassDojo, an intriguing educational app within the virtual classroom learning category, facilitates dynamic interaction among parents, students, and teachers. It empowers students to communicate their educational needs to teachers and keeps parents updated on their children’s progress. This engagement ensures focused attention and enhances the learning experience without replacing it. Moreover, ClassDojo promotes positive reinforcement and fosters effective communication among teachers, learners, and parents.

3. Google Classroom

In the realm of Google Workspace for Education Fundamentals lies Google Classroom, a suite of user-friendly tools designed for educators and learners in K12 and higher education settings. This platform fosters seamless collaboration between teachers and students, providing a simple interface to create classes, manage assignments, and engage in discussions. Integration with popular ed-tech tools like Kahoot!, Canvas, and Blackboard further enhances the educational experience. Google Classroom is accessible via mobile apps on both iPhone and Android devices.

4. Notability

Teachers and students have embraced a widely acclaimed note-taking app, recognizing its remarkable capacity to enhance the educational sphere. Its streamlined functionality enables effortless coordination between educators and learners, facilitating the retrieval of vital class notes, seamless annotation, and seamless sharing with peers. In addition, the app seamlessly integrates with popular web-based storage services, empowering teachers to establish shared folders for individual students within specific classes.

5. Yuzu

This incredible app grants student’s unlimited access to many captivating and top-notch textbooks accessible in diverse online formats. Its vast collection of digital educational content proves immensely valuable to every student. Moreover, its built-in functionality allows users to actively highlight, annotate, and categorize specific sections of the electronic text, facilitating an intuitive and concentrated learning experience. Consequently, this app is an excellent alternative to physical textbooks within the K12 education domain.

In conclusion, the rapid growth and projected expansion of the education apps market highlight the increasing demand for digital learning tools in the K12 education sector. The top five education apps discussed in this article revolutionize how students and educators engage with educational resources. These apps empower teachers, facilitate dynamic interactions, foster collaboration, and provide access to a wealth of educational content, ultimately transforming the learning experience for K12 students.

ALSO READ: K12 Education: Unleashing the Potential

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K12 Education Statistics in 2023: Examining the Stats and Insights https://www.theeducationmagazine.com/k12-education-statistics-in-2023/ Fri, 02 Jun 2023 05:30:05 +0000 https://www.theeducationmagazine.com/?p=20831 By 2030, experts predict that the K12 education market will reach $94.7 billion. However, this year’s statistics offer an intriguing glimpse into the present state of K12 education. So, as we embark on this captivating journey through the realm of knowledge, let us delve into the realm of numbers and figures that unveil the triumphs […]

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By 2030, experts predict that the K12 education market will reach $94.7 billion. However, this year’s statistics offer an intriguing glimpse into the present state of K12 education. So, as we embark on this captivating journey through the realm of knowledge, let us delve into the realm of numbers and figures that unveil the triumphs and challenges of our educational system. K12 education in 2023 paints a vivid picture of the current educational landscape and holds the key to shaping the future of our students.

This article will dig into the K12 education statistics in 2023, providing insights into the current scenario and future predictions in the sector of K12 education.

Transforming Education: Unleashing the Power of Technology in K-12 Learning

Technology’s pivotal role in reshaping K12 education becomes evident through three key figures: 93%, 81%, and 58%. First, in a survey, 93% of participants admitted to engaging in online teaching before the summer of 2020, highlighting the widespread adoption of digital pedagogy. The pandemic further accelerated this trend, with 81% of US school teachers reporting a significant increase in their familiarity with educational technology and online tools. Additionally, 58% of participants expressed newfound confidence in these resources, underscoring their potential to enhance teaching and learning experiences.

The Rise of Gamification and Subscription-Based Education

According to research, K12 education is facing a significant challenge, with retention rates predicted to plummet to an unprecedented low of 2% to 3%. This trend emphasizes the urgent need to integrate gamification into educational content, as it has demonstrated a remarkable 48% increase in learning engagement. In light of these circumstances, K12 education providers who have embraced monthly subscription models and catalog programs are witnessing a remarkable surge in demand. As a result, experts project that the subscription-based content industry will be valued at around $904.2 billion by 2026. This growth demonstrates the increasing popularity of these models due to their advantages and convenience.

The Integration of AI, AR, and VR for Enhanced Learning

The swift delivery of captivating content is gradually becoming ingrained in human society. The profound impact of Reality, Augmented Reality (AR), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Virtual Reality (VR) on a wide range of human activities is anything but ordinary. As these technologies permeate every aspect of our lives, they will also find their place within the socio-educational framework, integrating seamlessly into all aspects of K-12 education. This advancement will empower education stakeholders to employ these innovations in classrooms, making personalized or remote learning easier for every student.

A Glimpse into the Future of Education

Furthermore, as we step into 2023, we can expect more K12 students to embrace digital content instead of traditional physical textbooks. As a result, the global eBook market is predicted to scale new heights, reaching a value of $16.08 billion and exhibiting a compound annual growth rate of 3.38% from 2023 to 2027. Simultaneously, audiobooks will also experience significant growth, with projections indicating a compound annual growth rate of 24% between 2023 and 2028. The widespread availability of digital content has contributed significantly to positive advancements, thanks to its ease of access. The future of education is undoubtedly digital, and it’s happening right in front of us.

In conclusion, the K12 education statistics 2023 show a significant shift in the education landscape. Technology has played a vital role in this transformation, as online teaching and educational tools have become more popular. To address low retention rates, gamification, and subscription-based education have been implemented, while AI, AR, and VR have enhanced personalized learning. Digital content, including eBooks and audiobooks, has also become more prevalent, indicating a digital future for education. These advancements offer great potential in shaping the education of our students for years to come.

ALSO READ: K12 Education: Unleashing the Potential

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Understanding Neuroscience: Brain and Mental Health https://www.theeducationmagazine.com/understanding-neuroscience-brain-mental-health/ Sun, 11 Oct 2020 12:35:33 +0000 https://www.theeducationmagazine.com/uncategorized/understanding-neuroscience-brain-mental-health/ As early as the sixth century B.C., a Greek physician performing a dissection noticed the connection between the optic nerve and the brain. Anatomical research through the renaissance gradually documented the connections between the brain, the spinal column, and the nerves that carry neural signals throughout the body. Religious and philosophical worldviews often tend to […]

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As early as the sixth century B.C., a Greek physician performing a dissection noticed the connection between the optic nerve and the brain. Anatomical research through the renaissance gradually documented the connections between the brain, the spinal column, and the nerves that carry neural signals throughout the body. Religious and philosophical worldviews often tend to separate mind and body, but advances in anatomy make the two intimately connected, and so the brain and mental health.

In the late 18th century, Italian professor Luigi Galvani performed an experiment over dead frogs. He applied static electric charges to their muscles and made them twitch—an achievement conceptualizing intention and perhaps even the lifeforce itself had a physical basis. After decades, in his honor, the study and clinical use of electricity in the body were called galvanism. These efforts to understand how the brain sends its signals evolved into today’s neuroscience, a field that has begun to provide anatomical and biochemical explanations and coverings for problems that were once thought to be purely psychological involving emotions and behaviors, not organic processes.

Medical Science, Mind & Brain

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Spanish physician and anatomist Santiago Ramón y Cajal made meticulous descriptions of the nervous system, distinguishing the basic nerve cell, or neuron, through the use of a silver nitrate stain. Neurons in the human body carry messages in billions via neurotransmitter chemicals, released from cell to cell across a vast network. Depending on the chemical mix and therefore the origin of the message, the signals might regulate the autonomic work of internal organs or get interpreted as dreams.

“A Neuron, also called a Nerve Cell, is the primary functional unit of the nervous system. It typically has one axon-the portion of the cell that carries impulses elsewhereby which it connects with other neurons or with muscle or gland cells.”

Early research linked different parts of the brain to different activities—higher-level functions to the cerebral cortex, the language in the left hemisphere, and memory in the right. Later, the advancement in electromagnetic imaging refined the study even further. In 2005, researchers at the University of Pennsylvania, for example, used functional magnetic resonance imaging to map increased blood flow to the prefrontal cortex of people subjected to stress.  Research into the role of neurotransmitters has linked chemicals such as dopamine and serotonin to different diseases and disorders the basis for antidepressants.

What Are The Co

mmon Mental Illnesses?

Brain and mental health illness ranges from mild neuroses, universal to the human condition, and often not needing treatment, too dangerous breaks with reality. Bipolar disorder often labeled similar to schizophrenia, is one of the more serious categories of disease, known as psychosis. Some psychoses emerged in genetics and may cause imbalances in brain chemistry. Personality disorders including borderline and narcissistic personality disorder, often trigger antisocial acts and are believed to involve biochemical and social influences that immunize individuals to the emotions that check behavior.

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia and also the best understood as degenerative brain disease resulting in degraded mental health capacity in the elderly. It has physical characteristics in the brain which most other forms of dementia don’t have. It involves a gradual progression that can begin in middle-aged people. Autism, which is mostly diagnosed among children, can involve challenges with speech, inappropriate and repetitive social behavior, and extreme sensitivity to environmental change.

The Challenge Of Depression

Lobotomy, a controversial surgery with the idea to disconnect the prefrontal lobe, the center of emotion and social behavior, from the brain. It was the stirring brain surgery that might lead to hyper-emotional responses and aggressive behavior. It was pioneered in the 1930s by Portuguese neurologist António Egas Moniz for use with patients suffering severe mental illness. Today such mental health challenges are practiced with antidepressants, which increase available serotonin or norepinephrine-chemicals whose contact with nerve cells improves mood—by inhibiting the tendency for nerve cells to soak up or deactivate those chemicals.

There are a number of challenges in the treatment of depressed patients with brain stimulation. First, there are the legal challenges and they will vary according to where the patients come from and where the surgery might be performed. Second, the challenges of selecting the right patients. Finally, one of the biggest challenges is to decide which part of the brain requires stimulation. Deep brain stimulation for depression is a very exciting development among scientists as it offers hope to patients.

Whose Ideas Shaped Modern Psychology?

Sigmund Freud. The founder of modern-day psychoanalysis, Freud described an individual as divided into an impulsive id, the ego of everyday life, and a controlling superego.

Carl Jung. Breaking with Freud, Jung emphasized culturally or even biologically inherent thought patterns, which he called archetypes, as the forces driving behavior.

Claude Lévi-Strauss. Being an anthropologist, Lévi-Strauss saw people as governed by unspoken structures and underlying social rules, such as taboos and kinship.

B.F. Skinner. Known as the originator of behaviorism, Skinner believed that rewards and punishment shape behavior and developed a system of gratification and withholding as a way to raise children.

Jean Piaget. Child psychologist Piaget argued that the years leading up to cognition and self -awareness determine much about the rest of a person’s life.

Read Full Post: 10 Best Healthcare Management Institutes of 2020

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The Dilemma Of Understanding And Battling Epilepsy https://www.theeducationmagazine.com/dilemma-understanding-battling-epilepsy/ Sun, 11 Oct 2020 12:32:22 +0000 https://www.theeducationmagazine.com/uncategorized/dilemma-understanding-battling-epilepsy/ Different parts of the human brain communicate or exchange information through electric currents. There are more than 85 billion neurons in the human brain, which make fast and continuous communication possible. Any short circuit at any point can cause a catastrophic situation, and the particular part of the brain or sometimes the whole brain may […]

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Different parts of the human brain communicate or exchange information through electric currents. There are more than 85 billion neurons in the human brain, which make fast and continuous communication possible. Any short circuit at any point can cause a catastrophic situation, and the particular part of the brain or sometimes the whole brain may stop working temporarily. This phenomenon is called an epileptic fit or epilepsy. Epilepsy is a neurological illness known to man for many centuries. Also called ‘Fits’ in layman’s terminology, this disease is a very common problem in the world. For example, in Pakistan, epilepsy is estimated to be 9.99 per 1000 people, indicating millions of people are suffering from it, according to ResearchGate. It affects people living in rural areas as well as urban areas, men as well as women but it mostly affects young people. As an estimation, 70% of people with epilepsy are young while 30% develop epilepsy after 50 years of age.

Myths About Epilepsy

Although epilepsy is not new for many people because they have seen others in their surroundings suffering from it, at the same time there are many misconceptions prevalent in the society about this infamous disease. Often people think that fits occur because of evil possession and they then prefer running to a faith healer for this illness rather than a doctor. Another misconception is that people try to connect it with stress or life failures rather than a psychological problem. So when a young person has a seizure the parents get genuinely concerned with the misconceptions that are prevalent in society.

The first fear is that of evil possession, magic, or a serious psychological issue. The other issue is that unaware people try to hide this because they don’t consider it a medical illness. They don’t want others to know that their son or daughter has epilepsy because this diagnosis has been stigmatized in society. They may fear that they would not be able to marry off their children or they may not become part of society or even accepted within their family or schools. This general attitude towards epilepsy and epileptics can be seen in every place, even in the developed parts of the world.

Why Do People Develop Epilepsy?

In 70% of epileptics, there is no apparent underlying cause. Scientists believed that there is an underlying reason for the short-circuiting but that problem is not visible on routine tests. In 25 to 30% of the patients, epilepsy is secondary to prior stroke, head trauma, or infection of the brain but as found, 70% of the people no underlying lesion is identified on brain imaging. Secondary epilepsy is potentially preventable i.e. if one prevents a stroke or brain infection from happening, he/she is also preventing secondary epilepsy that may follow these illnesses.

At times, seizures are because of electrolyte imbalance or less glucose in the blood, for example, a decrease in sodium and glucose levels are commonly encountered causes of seizures. A seizure may be due to the consumption of many illicit drugs like alcohol and cocaine. Only 5% of people with epilepsy have such an illness that cannot be adequately controlled on drugs. For them, surgical techniques are available where surgeons first identify the point in the brain giving rise to seizure and then remove that focus, the process is known as epilepsy surgery. In a majority of this subpopulation, seizures can be controlled to a large extent through surgery.

Battling And Surviving Epilepsy

In 90% of the patients, epilepsy is completely treatable. It’s clearly known that it’s an illness of the brain and how it’s treated. Mostly, treatment is possible through antiepileptic drugs. These medications are to be taken for long time periods regularly, the duration of therapy is between 3 to 5 years or even longer. Timely and regular administration of these drugs is the most effective way of treating epilepsy. Most of the time single-drug therapy is sufficient. One must remember that good control of seizures doesn’t mean that he/she can stop the drugs. This is because a seizure can reoccur if medications are stopped. Target is complete control of both minor and major seizures for at least three years before patients can consider stopping these drugs. 60 to 70 % of epileptics don’t require lifelong therapy and anti-epileptic medication can be successfully stopped after 3 to 4 years.

In patients who skip their medication regularly, epilepsy may become refractory and lead to lifelong therapy. Despite living on treatments, 90% of epileptics can lead an absolutely normal life and can even be medical students, physicians, Ph.D. doctors, engineers, etc. Epileptic patients can have their education and jobs; girls can be married off and have children and look after them. All this is possible if epilepsy is controlled. Anti-epileptic drugs are usually safe and can be taken for a long period of time. A lot of these drugs can be used by women during pregnancy. For children, the anti-epileptic drugs are a little bit different but even then epilepsy can be well controlled with them.

Precautions For Patients

Epileptic patients have to be cautious about 2 to 3 things while taking drug therapy. For a specific period of time, they should stop driving, swimming, going alone on heights or playing video games, or watching television for a long time. They are prohibited because bright lights to which they may be exposed during the latter activities can provoke seizures in some epileptic patients. Lack of sleep and not taking drugs on time are other important causes of provoking seizures in epileptics.

Epilepsy is a treatable medical illness. An important point to remember is that epilepsy is an illness of the brain. It is not something to be ashamed of. This is not due to evil possession or any supernatural phenomenon, it is an illness just like common cold or pneumonia, etc. Currently available therapeutic options make living a normal life with epilepsy absolutely possible. So if someone has a similar symptom, he/she should see a doctor and get treatment. They should behave and feel like a normal part of society. In fact, these epileptic patients if treated properly can make society as well as humanity better as much as anyone else.

Read Full Post: HOPE Program: Guiding students to seek a career in healthcare

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How Digital Marketing can help Hotels Combat the COVID-19 Crisis? https://www.theeducationmagazine.com/digital-marketing-can-help-hotels-combat-covid-19-crisis/ Sun, 11 Oct 2020 12:26:42 +0000 https://www.theeducationmagazine.com/uncategorized/digital-marketing-can-help-hotels-combat-covid-19-crisis/ The COVID-19 outbreak has turned out to be one of the most rigorous disease outbreaks in the recent past. Almost all industry sectors are facing the severe impacts of the pandemic. The hospitality industry, in particular, is facing significant losses due to the pandemic. According to a report by the BBC, the hotel bookings in […]

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The COVID-19 outbreak has turned out to be one of the most rigorous disease outbreaks in the recent past. Almost all industry sectors are facing the severe impacts of the pandemic. The hospitality industry, in particular, is facing significant losses due to the pandemic. According to a report by the BBC, the hotel bookings in the United States have collapsed by a whopping 84%. However, despite the social distancing norms, people around the world have continued to stay connected online through social media, video conferencing, and email.

Presently, people are searching for an escape and for quality content to lessen their stress and enhance the quality of time at home, which has posed a great opportunity for the hotels to capitalize. Hotels can continue creating valuable and entertaining content across channels to stay connected with guests. They should emphasize brand awareness, with tasteful messaging that drives traffic to valuable content. Furthermore, the hotels should also focus on advance purchases for future stay dates with a flexible cancellation policy. In this article, we will go through five digital marketing strategies that will help hotels combat the crisis.

  1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

With fewer travel brands investing in marketing, there is a huge opportunity for more visibility within organic search, thus SEO can be an effective asset for hotels in this pandemic. Hotels can consider creating a FAQ page to increase visibility in Google Quick Answers. On the FAQ page, the questions and answers should center on the top questions regarding the hotel during the pandemic, such as measures taken on the property in line with the CDC, hotel reopening dates if the hotel has been closed, and other top concerns.

Particularly if the hotel has been closed, the content should be centered on the hotel’s reopening. Furthermore, hoteliers should also update all local listings to ensure they reflect current hours or closures, update special hours by day, or temporarily closed for the time being. Apart from this, hotels should continue the ongoing SEO maintenance to ensure that the website is properly crawled and indexed to maintain rankings and visibility.

  1. Search Engine Marketing (SEM) or Metasearch

Presently, CPCs are low due to the lack of competition. So, instead of sensitive messaging, bold promotions, offers, and strong call-to-actions, hotels should keep their SEM ad copy focused on general brand awareness, driving traffic to content that adds value for people during this crisis situation.

Metasearch is also an important part of the search ecosystem. The global CPC rates on hotel Metasearch platforms are currently averaging lower than $1 for the first time in years, enabling hotel brands to participate in Metasearch platforms at lower rates and still create valuable data while driving traffic and engagement to the hotel website.

  1. Social Media

Recent statistics show that an average millennial spends more than five hours per day on social media. Furthermore, since people around the world were asked to stay home, the time spent on social media has increased significantly. Thus, this is a perfect time for hotels to stay connected and provide past guests with valuable content and entertainment while they are at home. The following are some ideas for social media content.

  • Creating Destination-themed Coloring Pages: Hotels can share a coloring page of a destination that people can print for their children to color. They can also post these pages in a blog post and share them on social media and email.
  • Sharing first-person-perspective Photos of the Destination: Hotels can share first-person-perspective photos of the destination and ask past guests to comment on their favorite activity on that destination.
  • Asking Past Guests to Share Photos from their Stay: Hotels can ask past guests to share photos of their stay and trips by using a dedicated hashtag so that people can share travel memories with the hotel.
  • Sharing Recipes from the Restaurant’s Chef: Many people are preferring to eat home-cooked food due to the crisis, this has created a great opportunity for the hotels to share recipes from the hotel restaurant’s chef. Hotels can also get creative and share a complimentary recipe or wine recommendation that is suitable for a particular dish.
  • Sharing at-home Spa Treatments from the on-site Spa: Hotels can serve the customers better by helping them with at-home spa tips from their on-site spa.
  • Sharing at-home workout or Activity Classes: If the hotels offer group activities or fitness classes, they can share workout or instructional videos to attract the guests and help them stay active at home.
  • Creating a Kid-friendly Scavenger Hunt: If hotels have large family segments, they can create printable cards featuring the iconic landmarks in their destination which could be printed, cut out, and hidden by the parents to create a scavenger hunt. They can also post the printable cards in a scavenger hunt blog post and share on social media and email.
  1. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Managing good relations with customers is very important for hotels in this crisis situation. Hotels can create an email list of leisure travellers, business travellers, and group travellers who have cancelled reservations, so that when the COVID-19 situation begins to improve, they can send an email prompting these guests to rebook with added value, perks, or a complimentary welcome amenity. Apart from this, the hotels should also stay connected with their loyalty members during this time. They can consider partnering with a relevant cause or a charity and send an email to loyalty members prompting them to donate in exchange for hotel perks and rewards that can be used towards the future stay. Presently, supporting charities around the world has become very important.

  1. Creative Design

Many brands and companies are getting creative with their branding and logos to reflect the present situation and help rally people stay home for the greater good. Hotels too, can find innovative ways to redesign their brandings and logos to encourage people for social distancing and find hope in these stressful times.

To conclude, though the pandemic has dampened the growth of the hospitality industry, it is bound to speed up again as soon as the crisis is over. Thus, these digital marketing strategies will surely useful for hotels to survive through this crisis and prepare for a much bright future.

Read Full Post: 10 Best Hospitality Management Institutes of 2020

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Innovation In Hospitality Education and Career Opportunities https://www.theeducationmagazine.com/innovation-hospitality-education-career-opportunities/ Sun, 11 Oct 2020 12:23:11 +0000 https://www.theeducationmagazine.com/uncategorized/innovation-hospitality-education-career-opportunities/ The travel and tourism industry and hospitality education are transforming. Each year, over 1  billion tourists travel to another country and the number keeps growing. The industry by 2026 will support 1 in every 9 jobs i.e., 370 million jobs. The sharing economy, technology, and innovation are reshaping and personalizing the consumer experience. For example, […]

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The travel and tourism industry and hospitality education are transforming. Each year, over 1  billion tourists travel to another country and the number keeps growing. The industry by 2026 will support 1 in every 9 jobs i.e., 370 million jobs. The sharing economy, technology, and innovation are reshaping and personalizing the consumer experience. For example, Airbnb is valued at $30 billion—that’s as much as the world’s largest hotel chain, Marriott International. The last two decades have seen an increased sense of self-awareness and reflection regarding the current state and the future evolution of hospitality. Virtual and augmented reality have been driving innovation across sectors, creating new layers and multi-sensory experiences in gaming, dining, hotels, retail, and entertainment. These have created a new need for the internship/industry experience, preparation for industry employment, leadership, hospitality management and organization, and ethics. Hence, the most important factor in developing a curriculum that ensures graduates’ success in their career is the hospitality program’s ability to deal with changes.

Education – The Cornerstone

Hospitality education began as vocational – artisanal and practical in nature based on standard practice. Later, hospitality education evolved increasingly into management science based on research and empirical evidence. But in an economic environment, which depends less and less on norms and standards or on processes and traditional economies, it is unlikely that either approach will be sufficient to address the needs of today’s post-industrial environment. It is reasonable to believe that hospitality education must now enter the third phase—while not completely abandoning practice-based vocational science—must at the very least embrace a substantial new aspect based on arts approaches and design.

Vocational knowledge is based on transmitted know-how generally of a less intellectual and more practical nature-based on mastery of existing techniques as judged by other masters.

Tomorrow’s hospitality leader needs not only to learn to act according to develop the competencies to think critically, measure satisfaction and performance, and apply a set of tools to achieve standards, she/he needs to be able to create a complex new environment and experience and then shortly thereafter tear it all down and build it over again to achieve a new surprise. To reiterate, while this more artistic approach will not simply replace the practice-based training and management science education as a new model, it will be an element that will complement both. It is impossible to create new experiences without knowing traditions and techniques, and management of business processes, people, and performance, especially in the new era of sophisticated distribution and advanced technology, will continue to be relevant and necessary.

Experience Is Career Ladder

Management roles can be found in all sectors of the hospitality industry. Because companies in the hospitality industry operate multiple units, a manager with multi-unit responsibility for a  restaurant, pub, hotel, club, or catering outlet, is viewed as absolutely crucial. Where there are large numbers of small units, for example, the restaurant and contract catering sectors, there is also a requirement for large numbers of multiunit or area managers. To operate the large size and complexity, specialist managers, such as HR, marketing, or finance, are commonly hired at the head office level rather than working within the units themselves.

The career opportunities available in these categories of management roles vary considerably across the industry. One of the greatest factors is its size and complexity.  Generally, unit management in smaller units in restaurants, hotels, contract catering outlets, or pubs tends to be hands-on and focused on operations. Larger operations, for example, hotels, the general manager is increasingly required to focus on longer-term strategy, product, and market development, and it is his or her deputy who focuses on the day-to-day operation.

Toward a New Paradigm

Preparing students capable of meeting the challenge of innovation involves higher education establishments. Institutes now create sustainable educational programs that provide students with the necessary skills for the business world of today and tomorrow. Young students need a natural transition from being qualified to be competent. To empower them, industry-inspired schools that have evolved and adjusted to higher education standards are more prominent in some countries than in others. Equally noteworthy is the fact that some countries are absent from the top listings, whilst the economic importance of their hotel sector would certainly justify the presence of a strong hospitality education system.

Many schools have redesigned their practices or recontextualized them putting the focus on managerial experiences. The fact that students participate in operational activities is sometimes seen as undesirable in view of university standards and regulations, whilst a lack of preparation for practical work will generally jeopardize industry relations and graduates’ options for career entrance. The development of the educational system and institutions is one of the driving forces behind this movement that prioritizes theoretical over practical education. Practical facilities are expensive, and budget restraints have caused schools to eliminate the corresponding educational experiences or to outsource these, e.g. in cooperation with a commercial business. These measures have affected the competitiveness of “academicized” curricula as prospective students value the existence of practical facilities in their study choices.

Scope and Future Will Not Disappear But Take Different Form

The insertion of hospitality programs in an academic environment has contributed to the maturity of the discipline, in the sense that schools and universities have become sources of knowledge, whereas initially discipline knowledge would be generated elsewhere: in business environments, governmental studies, think tanks, etc. But this maturity has also turned the vocational roots of these programs into a constraint. Institutes have tied curriculum development too close to the needs of the industry and have prevented the subject from expanding into a consideration of the wider issues which are raised by and underlie hospitality.

Economically, the travel and tourism industry alone has contributed a whopping $8.9 trillion to the global economy in 2018 and generated 319 million jobs. In fact, this industry has a growth rate more than the world GDP put together. This dictates volumes about the substantial contribution the travel and tourism industry has been making, continually, to the global economy. Career opportunities such as accommodation manager, chef, and hotel managers attract a wider range of students seeking organizational and time management skills. These hospitality management jobs are rewarding as well as challenging. The career progression in this industry is also fast, thanks to the abundance of opportunities available.

Read Full Post: 10 Best Hospitality Management Institutes of 2020

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E-Learning: Resonates Effective Learning Experience https://www.theeducationmagazine.com/e-learning-resonates-effective-learning-experience/ Sun, 11 Oct 2020 12:17:52 +0000 https://www.theeducationmagazine.com/uncategorized/e-learning-resonates-effective-learning-experience/ Today, there are massively growing numbers of applicants applying to universities. The universities in order to try to meet this increasing demand they increase the number of admissions. The irony here is, they are increasing admissions but the admission rates are still declining because they cannot increase the admissions at a rate to meet the […]

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Today, there are massively growing numbers of applicants applying to universities. The universities in order to try to meet this increasing demand they increase the number of admissions. The irony here is, they are increasing admissions but the admission rates are still declining because they cannot increase the admissions at a rate to meet the demand. Not only there is a massive growth of students entering the universities, it should theoretically be bigger than what it is now. So, what can a university do to try to combat this increase in the student population?

If a university wants to keep the same class sizes they have to hire more faculty members. However, it’s not a very easy process. They have to hire people or have to put some type of tenure track in plan and it’s something that they cannot do rapidly enough to meet the growing student population.

Now, it’s interesting to see that they are using technology (e-learning) to help remedy this issue.

Introducing e-learning to meet massive student strengths

Throughout history, people have had a good number of jobs that by now they do not really even go to a professional to use. They have some apps or tools that can do it for them. For instance, taxi drivers are still in business but maybe in 2020, they will not even be around anymore if a giant company like Google will make self-driving cars. In the future, the technologies will take all professions and try to bring those directly into the hands of consumers. This drives universities to apply this into a classroom setting and hopefully replace professors with some type of technology that brings education into the hands of the students themselves.

E-learning innovated with hands down the best way generations are educating themselves. It’s not only getting more diverse but expanding its reach far beyond brick-and-mortar classrooms. Classrooms once used to be an ordinary environment is now densely populated with rigid students who believe this is their only gateway to get a ticket into the pearly gates of engineering or medical or any other framed-secured seats. Factory-like structure to prepare schoolers to get into the best colleges possible students are struggling around limited and competitive education system, now embracing e-learning and blended learning (classroom and online education).

E-learning is flexible and vast and that’s the reason learners should catch up and inherit this effective and engaging way. Statistics show that students are glued-in till the syllabus completes, it’s amazing. One of the refreshing qualities of e-learning is that it presents all the elements that exist within and around a student. The reason for the e-learning to hit every right node is because of its accessibility, personalized learning, learning flexibility, academic collaboration, and affordability. It reflects the genuine representation of several aspects of a student’s life. It ignores the money-making machines schools and colleges are devoted to, to identify credible students that can garner their talents.

Critical success factors of e-learning

E-learning is a result of merging information technology with education. In a university environment, there are four groups in the classification of e-learning critical success factors (CSFs), instructor, student, information technology, and university support. Many types of research identify that technology, instructor, and previous use of technology from the student’s perspective are the main three CSFs. Factors described;

  • Technology: ease of access and navigation, device interface design and level of interaction
  • Instructor: professors attitude towards students, instructor technical competence and classroom interaction
  • Student prior IT experience: having a computer and attitude towards e-learning is critical to e-learning success.

The CSFs for e-learning in developing countries like India include motivation toward e-learning, awareness, and the ability of basic technology, and good education support. The classroom environment in these countries can be spelled through the behavior of an iceberg where lectures are just on the surface. Now the surface where the students being exposed to a wide amount of information but not really diving deep into any of it. Ironically in the current system, the professor is just involved in classroom lectures that students can learn from the internet. But the place where the professor’s expertise would be extra useful is the place of addressing those learning breakdowns.

Technological related factors of e-learning

Online courses are trying to use technology to hopefully simulate one-on-one instruction. By putting professor trained devices it became possible to help students learn. Over the span of the past few years users had out the surge of all different platforms such as, udemy, udacity, coursera, edx, and many more that helped them create courses on. And people have created courses that teach biology, computer science, math, history, and/or any topic that one wants to learn. Moreover, technological related aspects polish and complete the essentials to make e-learning more interesting. The relevant references are:

  1. Ease of Access: Ease of access refers to the easy access and usability of the website for students. Through this feature, students are able to log into the system at any time accessing the flexibility offered by the website. This ease encourages students to visit and learn without facing any second thought.
  2. Interface Design: The visual structure and design aspects are important because they make online courses appealing and well-structured. The screen design and visual technology interface are critical to the success of e-learning. These aspects are vital facets of the user experience.
  3. Level of Interaction: Whether its classroom or virtual classroom the interactive communication plays a significant role to create a healthy learning environment. In e-learning, the instructor promotes a highly interactive virtual classroom environment where each student learns around his/her comfort.
  4. System Quality: System quality offers availability, ease of use, reliability, and response time. It favors students’ satisfaction with web-based learning, higher learning, personalization, and interactivity. Requires quality internet connectivity for a successful learning experience.
  5. Service Quality: When a student finds the service is positive as it should be. Service quality increases the perceived ease of use. Positive feedback and others encourage responses.

E-learning is also helping working professionals gain access to full degree programs and/or specific courses and allowing underprivileged people to access education who previously didn’t have any. It is indeed an enjoyable experience because people want to learn and e-learning makes it fun to learn. The beauty of having this facility is that learners from all around the world with all different backgrounds are able to help each other. It’s a great time investment. It does pay off.

Read Full Post : 10 Most Valuable Online Institutes of 2020

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How Technology Is Rewriting The Higher Education Definition? https://www.theeducationmagazine.com/technology-rewriting-higher-education-definition/ Sun, 11 Oct 2020 12:13:32 +0000 https://www.theeducationmagazine.com/uncategorized/technology-rewriting-higher-education-definition/ In a world where nearly everything is ‘tech’ driven, this is the beginning of a revolution where things are moving extremely fast. The way students best learn won’t change in the next ten years, but the tools they use will. Technology and Education are evolving together and transforming each other. The exponential growth of technology […]

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In a world where nearly everything is ‘tech’ driven, this is the beginning of a revolution where things are moving extremely fast. The way students best learn won’t change in the next ten years, but the tools they use will. Technology and Education are evolving together and transforming each other. The exponential growth of technology has been redefining the learning experience, since the past century. For instance, technology has shifted classroom teachings into mobile screens. Many profit/non-profit companies are planning to construct lots of low-cost universities, from data-driven classrooms to professors teaching for free online such as Udacity—rephrasing higher education definition for future tech jobs.

Blended learning, an integration to boost knowledge

Previously, it was impossible for a professor to teach hundreds of thousands of students at the same time but now it is happening thanks to digitalization. The younger generations are glued to their smartphones from morning to night – learning through social media and informative websites. The combination of both formal (traditional classrooms) and non-formal (online courses) methodologies represents a model that boosts learning and delivers business.

Everybody cannot go to Stanford University or Harvard Business School, but now truly high-quality materials can be made available at very low cost to anybody whoever they are, whatever their class, and whatever their race. This brings the democratization of education to an extent that’s never been true before in human history.

The sudden burst of these massively open online courses is one of the most visible ways through which digital technologies are reshaping colleges in universities. Computers and internet connections are delivering college classrooms to people down the block and around the world. Computers are making real bricks and mortars classrooms more interesting, more effective, and more affordable.

Online boom just down the road

Currently, a great education is available to a few tens of thousands of people but there are still millions who cannot get access even to basic education. Thousands of universities are capable of scattering good quality education and reshaping higher education definitions, but they miserably fail when students want to see demonstrated ROI on their education costs. It’s been a decade since people are using mobile phones, they download apps that help them connect with people and watch YouTube videos to learn how to cook Veg Shawarma. Yet, when it comes to learning online courses, they’ve barely scratched the surface of what’s possible.

An online learning platform like Udacity has made effective learning possible to millions of students around the world. Sebastian Thrun, David Stavens, and Mike Sokolsky created Udacity after the success of the free online artificial intelligence class at Stanford where 160,000 people signed up for that class. Udacity’s most classes are made up of a series of short instructional videos. In a lot of videos, the instructor writes on the screen with an electronic pen, “it’s a 21st-century chalkboard.”

Where Udacity claims to be a new 21st-century university, Coursera is a collaboration of 16 long-established and distinguished names. The group includes Stanford, Caltech, Princeton, University of Michigan and the University of Pennsylvania. Enrolment is free and more than 33 million students from some 200 countries have already registered. Coursera offers a wide range of online classes more than a hundred in business, sciences, mathematics, and humanities, a truly diverse higher education definition. Coursera’s classes are made up of videotape lectures that run five or ten minutes to nearly an hour.

EdX: Learning how to improve teaching both online and face to face

For many people, higher education is becoming unaffordable because of its increasing cost. To address this issue, many capable universities are installing technologies that can raise the quality of education while lowering costs. Online podcasts, blended conferences, video/audio tapes, and game-based learning are some effective methods that many universities have started practicing.

For example, Harvard University has already more than a hundred online classes in its extension school. And for a decade, MIT has been putting much of its raw courses where the lectures, notes, and quizzes along with the $60 million plan to make Harvard and MIT courses available online for free. Together, they formed an open-source technology platform, edX. With this pace, they hope to reach a billion people around the world.

This is the era of disruption for education. Things are being disrupted in a big way and things are moving extremely, extremely fast. The time is right because computing technologies are finally here. The internet is available in large parts of the world. Computers and tablets have become relatively low cost so people around the world customarily have one of these devices and have a connection over the internet,” says Anant Agarwal, MIT Computer Scientist, the former president of edX. EdX wants to reach a lot of people with free education but Agarwal says that an equally important mission is; learning how to improve teaching both online and face to face. We have not applied computing technologies to education in a big consulting way. We still do lectures in lots of classrooms with chalkboards and things of a sort. We really haven’t entirely much dramatic progress. We use PowerPoint as one of the bigger advancements over the past many decades.

Because online education platforms can capture and store a user’s every word and mouse click, edX promises to be a massive deeply granular experiment to help people live, study, and learn with computer technology.

Miami University of Ohio projecting a computer display on the wall, it’s called a learning dashboard. It shows students how well they did with an online assignment ‘do the night before.’ The software scores how each student is learning and what concepts they are struggling with. This data-driven classroom approach produces deeper learning in less time than the standard textbook learning format.

Conclusion: Online education resulted in giving a greater ROI than traditional classroom learning. The courses are also designed for Gen Z to fit 85% of jobs that will exist in 2030. It’s been observed that 20-30% of the entire student body comes to the lecture is surprisingly often times at the end of a course. They are just not going to lectures and so by making available online videos with interaction built into that, colleges can now make learning available at any place, at any time to anyone. This can significantly improve the whole learning experience for either on-campus students or students worldwide.

Read Full Post: 10 Best Institute in Canada of 2020

The post How Technology Is Rewriting The Higher Education Definition? appeared first on The Education Magazine.

How Startups Can Leverage Digital Marketing For Their Growth? https://www.theeducationmagazine.com/startups-can-leverage-digital-marketing-growth/ Sun, 11 Oct 2020 11:44:40 +0000 https://www.theeducationmagazine.com/uncategorized/startups-can-leverage-digital-marketing-growth/ Starting a business is a rewarding experience but it has its share of challenges. The most challenging aspect of a high gross startup is in regard to financing. A startup needs a lot of financing and this often comes from external sources. As an entrepreneur, an individual is answerable to his investors who are looking […]

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Starting a business is a rewarding experience but it has its share of challenges. The most challenging aspect of a high gross startup is in regard to financing. A startup needs a lot of financing and this often comes from external sources. As an entrepreneur, an individual is answerable to his investors who are looking for high returns on their investments while setting their risks. The risk and failure rates are associated with any startup are high. Startups often look to fill a gap in the market and offer products and services that bring solutions to address that gap in the market. This involves developing a niche which can be a risky venture.

As startups are expected to bring high returns with limited resources, how can one as an entrepreneur maximize his profits while minimizing costs?

Digital Marketing Discovers New Talents

Being a startup many people don’t know about the company and its products and services. Having a niche market that caters to a specific market audience requires innovative marketing strategies. However, there is a cache that needs to accomplish all of these with limited resources, which can be very tricky. Nowadays, everyone finds the products or services they are looking for through google search engine. The easier to find one’s products or services, the better the company’s sales.

However, numerous startups tend to turn a blind eye on building appropriate marketing strategies. A study found an astonishing 84 percent of marketers do not have a formal content strategy.

Here we will talk about different parts of digital marketing and how they can be utilized for maximum ROI:

Search Engine Optimization

Using Search Engine Optimization (SEO) one can optimize the company’s website structure and content with the help of web design services to match perfectly with user intentions so that the website is the first result a user sees after typing his searching entry on various search engines. Although it sounds simple, getting to the top can be difficult without the right strategy. This is because of the number of competitors in the market and the plethora of products and services out there.

The right strategy uses a combination of techniques like contextual link building, which increases the number of backlinks you have on your website. Off-page optimization improves a website structure and content by using keywords relevant to the user search entries. On-page optimization to get you to the top of result pages.

Social media presence

People use social media to connect, communicate, and share with their peers. Hence, using social media as a platform to launch a marketing campaign can one of the most cost-effective methods out there to help a startup connect with a large audience. The benefits of social media marketing are plentiful, especially when an entrepreneur is in the infancy of his business. According to McKinsey, word of mouth drives 20 to 50 percent of purchasing decisions. Not only this, on Instagram alone 80 percent of people follow at least one business.

Inbound marketing

Digital marketing can be a great way to engage customers with great content either in the form of video design and graphic design or by writing helpful informative blog posts that engage users. Marketing in a digital age no longer focuses on pushing products and services onto people because it involves the waste of time and resources on selling to people who see no relevance in the product. Instead, the focus has shifted to inbound marketing which focuses on drawing people and by engaging them effectively through the creation of content that prospects find useful and informative. However, the content should not be thought of as an end but it means a kind of an end.

Content writing/marketing

Good content writing delivers a call to action from the user either to subscribe to a newsletter, try a demo version of the product, or get them to contact an expert. This can be accomplished by using content writing services, which strategically use keywords, relevant to user intentions to be easily discoverable and persuade a call to action from the user. This is also a great way to enhance user experience and build brand value for the company. With the number of marketing channels out there it can become very difficult to manage the progress of a marketing campaign. But by automating marketing efforts an entrepreneur can streamline marketing campaigns. According to CMI’s digital content marketing, 72% of marketers say content marketing increases engagement.

Email marketing

Automating marketing services through email marketing services not only helps automate the marketing process but it also helps to deliver personalized messages to prospects based on user behaviors. Let’s say some customers made an inquiry about a product. Executives can email them information about the product and other related products based on their preferences. In fact, email marketing is a part of lead generation services that help businesses nurture and develop new leads by building personal connections with new customers.

Long-term marketing strategy

Traditional mediums of marketing like brochures, TV advertisements are no longer having the impact they used to have. Not only are traditional mediums expensive but they are hard to customize for a specific audience and therefore not the best marketing option for any startup company. The digital age has completely transformed the way people consume and the way people process information. This has given way to the establishment of the e-commerce industry which capitalizes on this digital transformation, particularly e-commerce management.

Most successful startup companies have come from long-term wins with search engine optimization and conversion rate optimization. Such companies identify the nerve of customers through phenomenal market research that allows them to predict and set their ROI. For instance, they develop a huge following very quickly by allowing the customers to help promote their products or services for them. It is critical to use as 92% of people trust personal recommendations more than other marketing forms.

Conclusion – Getting people to click on a website is hard enough to get ahead of the game. A startup strategy should be to convert as many website visitors into customers, which is the ultimate goal of developing a website in the first place. This tactic is referred to as conversion rate optimization. The size of a company no longer matters, it is the way a person projects his brand image and product/service quality that truly matters at the end of the day.

Read Full Post: 10 Best Institute in Canada of 2020


The post How Startups Can Leverage Digital Marketing For Their Growth? appeared first on The Education Magazine.
