Environment Studies Archives - The Education Magazine https://www.theeducationmagazine.com/category/education-now/environment-studies/ The Education Magazine Mon, 08 Jan 2024 12:33:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 https://www.theeducationmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/cropped-The-Education-Magazine-Fevicon_64X64-32x32.png Environment Studies Archives - The Education Magazine https://www.theeducationmagazine.com/category/education-now/environment-studies/ 32 32 Effective Tips to Grow Good Quality Timothy Hay https://www.theeducationmagazine.com/tips-to-grow-good-quality-timothy-hay/ Mon, 08 Jan 2024 12:32:00 +0000 https://www.theeducationmagazine.com/?p=25461 Timothy grass, a cool-season forage crop native to Europe and now cultivated globally, is key for domestic animal feed. High-quality hay production hinges on ensuring soil fertility, meticulous land preparation, and precise cutting techniques. Emphasizing these aspects helps farmers worldwide achieve superior Timothy hay yields. Fertilizer Requirements: Applying fertilizers based on frequent soil tests is […]

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Timothy grass, a cool-season forage crop native to Europe and now cultivated globally, is key for domestic animal feed. High-quality hay production hinges on ensuring soil fertility, meticulous land preparation, and precise cutting techniques. Emphasizing these aspects helps farmers worldwide achieve superior Timothy hay yields.

Fertilizer Requirements:

Applying fertilizers based on frequent soil tests is important to grow quality Timothy grass. These tests help determine nutrient levels and ensure proper soil fertility for optimal forage growth. 

Nitrogen (N): 

Timothy grass responds well to nitrogen. Typically, only 10 to 30 percent of the needed nitrogen for optimal yields comes from soil organic matter. The rest should be added through fertilization. 

Apply nitrogen fertilizer in early spring when the grass is growing actively. The specific fertilizer requirements depend on the soil, but a common range is around 40-60 pounds per acre.

Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K): 

Bulk Timothy hay needs adequate potassium and phosphate for healthy growth, standability, and winter survival. Apply about 10 pounds of phosphate per ton and follow soil test recommendations for potassium, ranging from 60 to 260 lbs K2O per acre. 

These nutrients contribute to strong root development and disease resistance.


In the UK, dryland sulfur deficiency reduces the timothy yields. Insufficient sulfur can mimic low nitrogen levels and lead to poor growth. Applying approximately 30 lb/ac with every 12 inches (300 mm) of irrigation water meets Timothy’s sulfur requirements. 

However, sulfur distribution in the field may vary in different areas, so conducting a test before applying is always suggested.


Check for deficiencies in other essential micronutrients for hay growth, such as iron, zinc, and copper. Address any deficiencies with appropriate fertilizers.

Good Growing Techniques:

Timothy grass, ideal for spring or summer sowing, offers multiple harvests per season when planted early in spring. For successful hay production, employing effective growing techniques and maximizing yield and quality throughout the growing season are essential.

Site Selection: 

Select a cooler, northern climate for successful Timothy grass growth to avoid prolonged heat and drought. Choose a site with well-drained, fertile soil rich in organic matter.

 The ideal soil pH is between 5.5 and 7.0 but aim for around 6.2 or slightly higher. Test and adjust the soil pH before planting timothy hay to ensure suitable growing conditions.

Seedbed Preparation: 

Prepare a good seedbed by tilling the soil and clearing all the debris. Level the ground for even seed distribution. Amend the soil as needed and maintain consistent moisture a few weeks before sowing.

 Doing this at least 6 months before the planned planting date is recommended to allow amendments to interact with the soil effectively.


Timothy is often planted in mixtures with legumes or winter grains. It is seeded with the grain in the fall, while the legume is planted early the next spring. Plant timothy seeds at a depth of 0.3 to 1.3 cm (0.125 to 0.5 in). 

Follow the seeding rates, which range from 3 to 6 pounds per acre when planted alone and 1 to 3 pounds per acre in mixtures. Broadcast the seeds evenly and lightly rake to cover them. Press or roll the soil to provide good seed-to-soil contact.


Keep the soil consistently moist during germination. Once established, Timothy grass needs moderate water but may require irrigation during dry periods. It is well-adapted to areas having effective annual precipitation of at least 45 cm (18 in).

Weed Control: 

Optimize hay production by focusing on effective weed control. Start with meticulous seedbed preparation and apply pre-emergence herbicides to prevent weed growth. Incorporate regular mowing to suppress weeds and promote robust, high-yield timothy grass.

Cutting and Storing Process for Timothy Hay:

Timothy grass is best grazed when it reaches 15 cm (6 in) in height during the vegetative stage. Hay production’s ideal harvest time is just before bloom, usually after at least 50 days of growth. Harvest early to make sure high-quality forage with optimal nutrient content.

Well-cured Timothy from top manufacturers like Maple Gems typically produces multiple harvests per season. Allow the grass to regrow 8-10 inches before the next cut. Avoid cutting too close to the ground and maintain 2-4 inches for healthy regrowth.

Dry the grass in the field for a few days before bailing to reduce the risk of mold. Use conditioning equipment to promote faster drying, especially in humid conditions. Store baled hay in a dry, well-ventilated area to prevent spoilage.


Farmers should prioritize advanced soil nutrient management to ensure high-quality timothy grass cultivation, incorporating organic fertilization and pH balancing techniques. Regular care, including pest control, irrigation optimization, and adopting precise harvesting techniques, ensures nutrient-rich fodder for livestock and sustainable hay production, securing long-term agricultural success.

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Biomedical Engineering Vs. Biotechnology https://www.theeducationmagazine.com/biomedical-engineering-vs-biotechnology/ Tue, 18 Jul 2023 05:13:32 +0000 https://www.theeducationmagazine.com/?p=21719 If you are enthusiastic about science but not interested in pursuing a medical degree, you may be considering different career paths in biology. Biotechnology and biomedical engineering have emerged as favored choices for students interested in the intersection of biology and engineering. Despite the apparent similarities between these two fields, it is important to note […]

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If you are enthusiastic about science but not interested in pursuing a medical degree, you may be considering different career paths in biology. Biotechnology and biomedical engineering have emerged as favored choices for students interested in the intersection of biology and engineering.

Despite the apparent similarities between these two fields, it is important to note that there are crucial distinctions between biotechnology and biomedical engineering. You need to know these differences before opting for a degree from a renowned educational institution like the American International College to ensure a bright future. Keep reading to learn more.

Biomedical Engineering Overview

Biomedical engineering revolves around devising solutions to specific medical issues. The past few years have highlighted the urgent need for the medical field to evolve rapidly to match the constantly shifting terrain of viruses and diseases.Biomedical engineers play a pivotal role in this effort, innovating new medications, therapies, and medical instruments to enhance human life quality. A biomedical engineer’s potential specializations might include:

  • Innovating methods to repair damaged organs
  • Formulating groundbreaking medications and therapies
  • Designing state-of-the-art prosthetics
  • Examining emerging diseases and viruses

This domain is an excellent choice if your interest lies in pioneering novel solutions to health issues and improving people’s well-being.

Biotechnology Overview

Biotechnology involves employing a diverse set of biological processes to enhance technology and address numerous challenges. Professionals in biotechnology leverage living organisms, biological systems, and processes to accomplish specific results. Biotechnology engineers often engage in:

  • Developing new antibiotics for fighting infections
  • Innovating new varieties of biofuel
  • Assessing the effectiveness of novel drugs
  • Investigating the application of biological systems in various industries

Biotechnology engineers can specialize in many different fields. If you are captivated by marine biology, medicine, agriculture, botany, or environmental studies, you will find a career in biotechnology thoroughly engaging.

Biomedical Engineering Vs. Biotechnology

Basic Differences

  1. Biotechnology pertains to life science and generates products applicable in the agricultural, food, and medical sectors. In contrast, biomedical engineering is primarily focused on the medical industry, devising solutions to challenges related to human health.
  2. Biotechnology is practical biological science utilizing chemistry to produce novel biological products. Meanwhile, biomedical engineering employs engineering principles specifically tailored to medicine.
  3. Biotechnology primarily exploits organic systems and biology to devise solutions to various problems. Biomedical engineering does the same, but it also incorporates inorganic materials to further enhance medical technology.
  4. Biomedical engineering aims to diagnose, manage, treat, prevent, and alleviate the effects of diseases or disabilities in the general public. Alternatively, biotechnology has a wider scope and can address issues ranging from genetic modifications and waste disposal to environmental impacts.


Courses in biotechnology will concentrate much more on molecular biology and its practical applications, whereas biomedical engineering courses will primarily target subjects like physiology, medicine, neurology, and hematology.

Career Path

Biomedical Engineering

Jobs in biomedical engineering might include lab work but could also involve roles in various hospital departments, often interacting closely with patients. This career may be more fitting for those who prefer direct engagement with the public instead of working in a secluded lab environment.

Potential workplaces, if you opt for a career in biomedical engineering, include academic institutions, research institutions, orthopedic manufacturing companies, and biomaterial corporations. Job roles biomedical engineers can opt for include:

  • Biochemist or biophysicist: Researching the chemical and physical principles of living things and biological processes.
  • Microbiologist: Studying microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, algae, fungi, and parasites.
  • Genetic counselor: Providing guidance and advice to individuals and families about genetic disorders.
  • Medical scientist: Conducting research aimed at improving overall human health.
  • Biological technician: Assisting medical scientists in the lab.
  • Food scientist: Developing ways to improve the efficiency and safety of agricultural establishments and products.
  • Environmental biotechnologist: Using biotechnology principles to solve environmental problems and promote sustainable development.
  • Pharmaceutical researcher: Developing and testing new drugs and treatments.
  • Quality control biotechnologist: Ensuring products and processes meet quality and safety standards.
  • Bioinformatics specialist: Using computer technology, software, and statistical techniques to interpret biological data.
  • Agriculture engineer: Using engineering principles in agricultural production and processing.


A career in biotechnology will likely entail significant lab work. You will devote a substantial amount of your time to carrying out experiments, researching novel products, and developing/testing your creations. Some sectors where you could potentially be employed include virology, agriculture, food manufacturing, biofuels or bioenergy, and the healthcare sector. Potential job roles in the field of biotechnology include:

  • Biomedical engineer: Designing biomedical equipment and devices.
  • Biochemist: Studying chemical and physical principles of living organisms.
  • Genetic engineer: Modifying and manipulating the genes of plants and animals.
  • Clinical research associate: Monitoring, recording, and reporting trial results.
  • Biotechnological product or process developer: Developing and optimizing biotechnological processes or products.
  • Medical scientist: Researching to improve human health.
  • Microbiologist: Investigating microorganisms like bacteria and viruses.
  • Pharmaceutical sales representative: Marketing pharmaceutical products.
  • Quality control analyst: Ensuring the quality and safety of products and processes.
  • Regulatory affairs specialist: Ensuring compliance with regulations and laws related to biotechnology products.
  • Bioinformatics specialist: Using computer technology for the management of biological information.


According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2021, the median annual wage for biomedical engineers and bioengineers was about $97,410. On the other hand, biotechnology engineers earn an average annual salary of $86,810.


Biotechnology and biomedical engineering offer a broad spectrum of opportunities for individuals interested in the intersection of biology, technology, and engineering. With many potential career paths, both domains present the chance to make significant contributions to healthcare, agriculture, environmental conservation, and many other critical areas. Always remember that the best choice will depend on your interests, career goals, and academic strengths.

ALSO READ: 10 Unheard Facts about Ocean Pollution that will make you think

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Top 10 Nuclear Energy-Producing Countries in 2023 https://www.theeducationmagazine.com/nuclear-energy-producing-countries/ Fri, 02 Jun 2023 11:42:48 +0000 https://www.theeducationmagazine.com/?p=20858 Countries with nuclear energy play a crucial role in shaping the global energy landscape, utilizing advanced technologies and resources to meet their energy demands. As we enter 2023, it becomes essential to identify the leading nations that have harnessed the power of nuclear energy to drive their economies and provide sustainable power solutions. These countries […]

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Countries with nuclear energy play a crucial role in shaping the global energy landscape, utilizing advanced technologies and resources to meet their energy demands. As we enter 2023, it becomes essential to identify the leading nations that have harnessed the power of nuclear energy to drive their economies and provide sustainable power solutions. These countries have demonstrated their commitment to diversifying their energy portfolios and reducing reliance on fossil fuels, showcasing their innovative approaches and pioneering spirit. This blog will explore the top 10 nuclear energy-producing countries, examining their strategies, achievements, and contributions to revolutionizing the world’s energy sector.

1. USA

  • Total reactors: 93 Reactors
  • Power Capacity: 94.7 GW

The United States is leading the pack in the number of nuclear energy-producing countries claiming the coveted number-one position. The country’s impressive capacity enables it to meet 20% of its electricity demand. Since 2016, the US has increasingly turned to coal and gas as primary sources for power generation. The construction of two additional reactors is underway in the state of Georgia.

2. France

  • Total reactors: 56 Reactors
  • Power Capacity: 61.3 GW

Astoundingly, France relies on nuclear sources for two-thirds of its electricity needs. With their expertise and cost-effective practices, they have successfully harnessed approximately 17% of their electricity from recycled nuclear fuel. France is about to construct additional reactors in the coming years to decarbonize its power generation by the year 2050.

3. China

  • Total reactors: 53 Reactors
  • Power Capacity: 55.6 GW

Emerging as a global powerhouse among nuclear energy-producing countries, China boasts a remarkable nuclear energy landscape. Moreover, despite being in the construction phase, China is looking ahead to constructing an additional 39 nuclear reactors, combining their capacities to deliver an extraordinary gross capacity of 43 GW.

4. Japan

  • Total reactors: 17 Reactors
  • Power Capacity: 33 GW

Japan ranks fourth on this list of nuclear energy-producing countries, boasting a remarkable fleet in the number of reactors and the energy which is being produced. Furthermore, Japan is actively constructing two more nuclear reactors, Ohma 1 and Shimane 3, which, upon completion, will augment the net capacity by an additional 2.6 GW.

5. Russia

  • Total reactors: 38 Reactors
  • Power Capacity: 29.5 GW

With a rich history in nuclear technology, Russia emerges as a prominent player.  Russia harnesses the power of atomic energy to generate a staggering 195.5 TWh, constituting a significant 19.7% of the overall electricity produced. Additionally, the ongoing Kursk II project sets to contribute further to Russia’s energy landscape, with the construction of two reactors boasting a net capacity of 2.3 GW.

6. South Korea

  • Total reactors: 25 Reactors
  • Power Capacity: 24.5 GW

South Korea, one of the prominent nuclear energy-producing countries, is harnessing the energy potential of 24 nuclear reactors. It supports its position as a prominent player in the energy sector, accounting for an impressive 26% of the country’s total electricity generation, illustrating the significant contribution of nuclear energy to the nation’s power supply.

7. Canada

  • Total reactors: 19 Reactors
  • Power Capacity: 13.6 GW

Canada is distinguished by their utilization of Canadian Deuterium-Uranium (CANDU) reactors, all the power plants in Canada employ advanced pressurized heavy water reactors. The advanced reactors rely on uranium as their fuel source while utilizing water as a coolant and moderator, exemplifying Canada’s innovative approach to nuclear technology.

8. Ukraine

  • Total reactors: 15 Reactors
  • Power Capacity: 13 GW

Ukraine is currently constructing two additional reactors, Khmelnytskyi 3 and 4, which will employ heavy water technology and contribute an impressive 2 GW of net capacity. In a proactive move to reduce reliance on Russian nuclear fuel and services amidst ongoing geopolitical instability, Ukraine has turned to the renowned US-based Westinghouse for fuel procurement.

9. UK

  • Total reactors: 13
  • Power Capacity: 8.9 GW

Ranked at number nine on the list of nuclear energy-producing countries, the United Kingdom boasts an impressive portfolio. The UK is currently embarking on an ambitious endeavor with the commencement of construction on two novel nuclear reactors known as Hinkley Point C1 and Hinkley Point C2. Anticipated to become operational by June 2027, these reactors will cater to the energy demands of approximately 6 million households.

10. Spain

  • Total reactors: 7 Reactors
  • Power Capacity: 7.1 GW

Spain, with its capacity for nuclear power generation, derives 22% of its electricity from this clean and efficient energy source. The renewed licenses of six out of the seven reactors in 2020 and 2021, ensure their continued operation well beyond 2035. However, it is essential to note that around half of Spain’s existing nuclear power reactors are set to retire by 2035.

We hope this blog on nuclear energy-producing countries has provided valuable insights into the global landscape of nuclear power. By highlighting the top countries in this field, we aimed to shed light on nuclear energy’s pivotal role in meeting the world’s growing demand. As we continue to navigate the complexities of energy generation and sustainable development, staying updated about the advancements and challenges in nuclear energy is important. We anticipate you will be in touch with our content as we offer informative and interesting information on various topics.

Tejas Tahmankar

ALSO READ: 10 Unheard Facts about Ocean Pollution that will make you think

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DOMENICO MODEL OF HUMAN NEEDS VS. MASLOW HIERARCHY OF NEEDS https://www.theeducationmagazine.com/domenico-model-of-human-needs/ Wed, 29 Mar 2023 07:24:45 +0000 https://www.theeducationmagazine.com/?p=20143 Comparing and contrasting the Maslow Hierarchy of Needs (Cherry, 2015) with the Domenico Model of Hierarchy of Needs (DMHN), we can start by noting that physiological needs sit at the bottom of both models. Physiological needs must be met before we move up through either model. Food, water, shelter, and reproduction are obviously essential needs […]

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Comparing and contrasting the Maslow Hierarchy of Needs (Cherry, 2015) with the Domenico Model of Hierarchy of Needs (DMHN), we can start by noting that physiological needs sit at the bottom of both models. Physiological needs must be met before we move up through either model. Food, water, shelter, and reproduction are obviously essential needs that must be met in a constructive manner. If individuals are unable to manage this, they may engage in destructive psychological processes and behaviors to satisfy these needs (Staub, 1999).

Expanding on Shaub’s research, we are connecting the physiological needs with the emotional ones highlighted in the DMHN Realm of Negative Emotions (Meschino, 2023). As Human Beings fail to satisfy their needs in the lower levels of the Model, they are experiencing a large variety of negative emotions: insecurity, inadequacy, anger, resentment, confusion, loneliness. In this Realm, stress and fear also play an important role driving people deeper and deeper into confusion, depression, and violence. At this stage we can also see the descending parable of self-esteem and instinct of self-preservation. Emotional needs are equally important as physiological needs. At times, the lack of basic emotional needs can trigger negative ripple effects, causing serious issues for the individual.

In the following tier of the DMHN is The Need of Experiencing: the need to live through experiences, through our senses, and our emotions. The Need for Experience phase is not present in Maslow’s Model; however, it is an integral part of the DMHN. We have a need to experience that will remain in our nature throughout all our lifetimes.

 Evolution is the subsequent need in the model. Studies indicate that the presence and absence of positive events, such as having needs met, are more strongly associated with the intensity of positive experiences. Conversely, the presence and absence of negative events, such as frustration, are more strongly associated with the intensity of negative outcomes (Colquitt, Long, Rodell, & Halvorsen-Ganepola, 2015; Ferris, Johnson, Rosen, Djurdjevic, Chang, & Tan, 2013).  Having the phase of Experiencing shown higher up in the model indicates that it is key to the fulfillment of human needs and to the advancement to and of higher stages.

We can immediately see the main difference between the two models: the inverse nature of the DMHN. The inverse pyramid indicates a growth in awareness, the expansive nature of human needs, and the ever-growing need for enlightenment. Another important difference is that the safety needs from Maslow are defined as self-preservation in the DMNH. The self- preservation need is placed outside of the pyramid, and it is increasingly growing alongside the higher needs. The need for self-preservation is already very much present since the lower realms of the model. The instinct for self-preservation will increase with the other needs as we go higher, though assuming a deeper meaning and a higher intensity. As we experience life through our senses and our emotions, we have the need to connect with our surrounding world as well as within ourselves.

Connecting to ourselves basically entails understanding our emotions, our logic, our past experiences, gaining an understanding of who we are and at what stage of our own evolution we are, what our driving forces are, how our experiences have changed us, and ultimately how much we know about ourselves. As far as connecting with the surrounding world, there is an innate need for us to feel connected with nature and with animals. The need for self-preservation is always present in human evolution, increasing in intensity and awareness as we move to the other stages.

The need for stability is consistent throughout our evolution, and the need for consistency in our daily lives goes along with many of our other needs. The need for self-preservation is very present in this phase, which contributes to the rise of the need for stability and consistency. The Stability phase can be seen as a pattern-establishment construct, where stability is shown in a well-structured, routine-based, and consistent way of living. Once stability is no longer present and life patterns are being challenged, the need for change arises: the need to create something new. The need to change the current system becomes, at times, a necessity. In many instances, this is fueled by enhanced self-preservation instincts playing a crucial role.

The Love and Belonging phase in Maslow’s model corresponds to the Connecting with Self and Surrounding World stage in the DMHN. What the Domenico Model does is define the word “love” as a connection, not only within oneself, but also with the outside reality.  Belonging is another facet of connecting, one where there is a sense of connection. This need includes interpersonal connections, a sense of community membership, and affectionate feelings. This is the most challenging need, as it necessitates the cooperation of others. According to Baumeister et al. (1995) and Demirdag (2016) , its absence causes severe deprivation, perceived stress, and several other negative effects (Baumeister et al., 1995; Demirdag, 2016). In contrast, the satisfaction of the needs for love and belonging promotes self-actualization and is positively associated with positive well-being and life satisfaction (Kasser & Ryan, 1999). Decy et al. (2001) also discovered a positive correlation between need satisfaction and general self-esteem, which is the next stage of the DMHN Model (Decy et al., 2001).

In the DHMN, self-esteem is seen as a self-perception attitude geared to expansion as we move up in the model. Self-esteem is directly connected with the expansive mode of the Hierarchy of Needs, and at each level it becomes more logical, more intense, and more positive. Self-esteem is as expansive as self-preservation; however, they are external to the model. Most studies reported that higher self-esteem was associated with healthier behavior.

The next level up is the Need to Change. Change is a necessary process. It is a process that is essential since the Stability stage is always challenged. Although we would like to remain in this stage with our established routines and patterns, outside variables are numerous and can shake up the status quo, bringing about the need for change. Probably one of the toughest leaps in this model, Change rearranges patterns, and it questions current norms. Change, for human beings, is a complex process; it is a process of breaking old habits and establishing new ones. It is a process of establishing new thinking models that create new routines — thinking models that also reflect how someone perceives and feels their surrounding reality.

Through Change, human beings strive to reach Enlightenment. Enlightenment is a state of heightened awareness of the self and the surrounding world, a state of heightened connection with oneself and the life around us. This is a state where fear is absent, supported by enhanced human logic and strong sentiments: a state of completeness, a state of balance, and of positivity. At this stage, there is also an elevated sense of self-esteem and self-preservation, as we can see from our model. The appreciation and preservation of the self leads to mental, physical, and emotional health becoming a priority. In this phase, there is also a strong desire for knowledge, a fervid desire to continue to search though human nature by experiencing.

The need to grow through experience is our next phase: one that is of a heightened discovery of the world surrounding us supported by a feeling of fearless wellbeing. This leads to a state of willingness and readiness to share with the people most in need, a readiness to share the journey with others, to inspire and to be inspired on each of our journeys.

Author Name:  Dr. Domenico Meschino
Title: Teacher, Author, Business Owner
Email: luminosaglobal@gmail.com
Address: Chicago IL, USA
Website: drmeschino.net

ALSO READ: 5 Types of Malignant Tornadoes: Unveiling Nature’s Destructive Side

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5 Types of Malignant Tornadoes: Unveiling Nature’s Destructive Side https://www.theeducationmagazine.com/types-of-malignant-tornados/ Thu, 12 Jan 2023 13:31:31 +0000 https://www.theeducationmagazine.com/?p=18661 “In the eye of the tornado, there is no more high and low, no floor and sky.” This meaningful quote by Francis Alys gives us an idea about the menacing and monstrous creations of mother nature—Tornadoes. They are one of the scariest things one can witness and have different origins, shapes, sizes, and intensities. These […]

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“In the eye of the tornado, there is no more high and low, no floor and sky.”

This meaningful quote by Francis Alys gives us an idea about the menacing and monstrous creations of mother nature—Tornadoes. They are one of the scariest things one can witness and have different origins, shapes, sizes, and intensities. These thunderstorms have countless types and strange behavioral patterns, destroying everything that comes in a way barbarously. In this blog, we try to depict the most terrifying tornado types and their examples that have stupified people.

Tornado Types

1. Rope Tornadoes


Rope Tornadoes are a common type and small Tornadoes that have a ropy, windy appearance as their name suggests. They have twists and bends in their funnel-like structure and are in constant contact with the ground. In their final minutes, they can take monstrous shapes and as they get narrower, they become more powerful and intense. Usually, these tornadoes are approximately 30 feet wide.

The USA and Canada saw plenty of dangerous rope tornadoes that have massively destructed mankind as well as nature. El Reno OK, a rope-shaped tornado hit Canada on 30 April 1978 destroying well-built barns, 15 houses, and 3 farmhouses that were completely devastated. Such tornadoes can last for a few seconds to a maximum of one hour. They travel from southwest to northwest with a speed range between 30mph to 70mph.

2. Cone Tornadoes


People have experienced the frequent appearance of this type of tornado. They roll across the Plains of the United States. As their name suggests, they have a narrower size when they get to the ground and comparatively have a wider base at the place where they meet the thunderstorm. As there is a chance of expansion of their paths, they might turn very dangerous and destructive.

A cone tornado hit San Angelo on May 17, 2021, that was 115mph speed and started from Sterling County, Texas. As per the reports by The National Weather Service (NWS), there were no injuries or fatalities reported. The most extreme cone tornadoes can travel at more than 300mph approximately 3km in diameter.

3. Satellite and Multi-Vortex Tornadoes


One of the high-powered hubs of tornadoes, Supercell tornadoes have the ability to produce multiple thunderstorms while others can produce multiple twisters at the same time. Like a satellite revolves around the Sun, this tornado revolves around the main tornado. Though both them, primary and secondary travel separately, they originated from the same parent mesocyclone. According to the reports by NOAA’s Storm Prediction Center, they are associated with strong EF4 and EF5 main Tornadoes.

Multi-Vortex Tornadoes have two or more vortices called ‘sub vortices’ spiraling inside a single tornado. Usually, these vortices occur in a group of two-five and they can turn into a large combined tornado. 2011 Joplin, Missouri was a multi-vortex tornado that reached a maximum width of one mile (16 km) and killed around 158 people. It was the seventh-deadliest tornado in history.

4. Wedge Tornadoes


A Wedge tornado is a destructive tornado and it appears as an upside-down pyramid. They have their condensation funnel wider than their height and can be a cause of massive destruction. They have a large amount of dirt and debris that give them blackish-dusky color. Wedges are violent and can be considered EF3, EF4, and EF5-level storms.

El Reno was the worst and deadliest wedge tornado. One, that hit Oklahoma on May 31, 2013, was the widest tornado ever recorded. It was grown to 2.6 miles wide during the storm period.

5. Waterspouts and Landspouts


Waterspout and landspout Tornadoes can develop even if there is a thunderstorm-like situation. A waterspout looks like a column of wind rotating over a water body. The reason behind the waterspout is the condensation and it is actually not filled with water. Sometimes it comes with dangers such as high surf, hail, and lightning. The other type gets formed from rain clouds.

Sometimes, these thunderstorms come ashore and create significant damage. According to the stats by National Ocean Service, the most common types are tornadic and fair-weather. Tornadic waterspouts are associated with thunderstorms and have the properties of Tornadoes while fair-weather waterspouts get created along the base of clouds. They get developed upward from the water and move very slowly.

Damage Indicator Scale

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the nation records approximately 1000 Tornadoes. Some of them are less hazardous, while some create devastating situations, just like a monster destroys everything that comes his way. Tornado intensity is measured in terms of the enhanced Fujita (EF) scale.


Causes and Effects

Different factors are responsible for the development of nature’s threatening creation. Tornadoes are formed when unstable air creates wind funnels. When warm air and wet air collide with cold air, they are created. They majorly develop across huge plains and barns of the United States, known as ‘Tornado Alley’ and some parts of Canada. Primarily, states like Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Mississippi, and Alabama get affected due to these thunderstorms.

These dangerous storms have devastating effects. They affect the day-to-day lives of humankind and animals as well as become a solid reason for fatality and serious injuries. Additionally, connections between two states or villages get destroyed, and most importantly, people get disturbed mentally. It gets more difficult for them to recover from these deadliest incidents. And thus, they need some sort of support to march ahead on the path of recovery.

List of Deadliest Tornadoes (Based on Death Toll)

State/ LocationDateDeath Toll
Tri-State (Mo., Ill., Ind.)March 18, 1925689
Natchez, Miss.May 6, 1840317
St. Louis, Mo.May 27, 1896255
Tupelo, Miss.April 5, 1936216
Gainesville, Ga.April 6, 1936203
Woodward, Okla.April 9, 1947181
Amite La.; Purvis, Miss.April 24, 1908143
Joplin, MOMay 22, 2011122
New Richmond, Wis.June 12, 1899117
Flint, Mich. June 8, 1953115

Prajakta Zurale

ALSO READ: Answering the Big Question: What causes a volcano to erupt?

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Answering the Big Question: What causes a volcano to erupt? https://www.theeducationmagazine.com/what-causes-a-volcano-to-erupt/ Thu, 17 Nov 2022 10:22:08 +0000 https://www.theeducationmagazine.com/?p=17875 What causes a volcano to erupt? Is it because of the buoyancy of the magma, the pressure built inside the magma plate, or a gigantic mixture of baking soda and vinegar? Let’s find the answer to the question in this blog! Recently, thousands of people have fled their homes near a Philippine volcano after an […]

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What causes a volcano to erupt? Is it because of the buoyancy of the magma, the pressure built inside the magma plate, or a gigantic mixture of baking soda and vinegar? Let’s find the answer to the question in this blog!

Recently, thousands of people have fled their homes near a Philippine volcano after an eruption sent ash and steam hundreds of meters into the sky. This incident of the volcanic eruption in the Philippines has certainly sent shivers down our spine, but it is more than what meets our eyes.

A volcanic eruption is quite a sight to behold. It can be mesmerizing as well as furious depending on the intensity of eruption and flow of the larva. For years, scientists have been trying to study the nature of volcanic eruptions and what causes a volcano to erupt. However, they are yet to predict a volcanic eruption.

Before we explain how or what causes a volcano to erupt, let us understand a few terminologies and facts that are associated with volcanic eruptions.

Definition of a volcano and volcanic eruption


1. Volcano:

Basically, volcanoes are openings or vents where lava, tephra, and steam erupt out onto the earth’s surface.

2. Magma and Lava:

Magma is the molten rock that is trapped beneath the earth’s surface. When this molten rock makes it to the surface and keeps flowing like a liquid, it is known as Lava.

3. Tephra:

Tephra is the rock fragments and particles that are ejected by a volcanic eruption.

4. Tectonic Plates:

A tectonic plate is a massive and irregularly shaped slab of solid rock composed of continental and oceanic lithosphere. Also called lithosphere plates, these plates can vary in size. Some of these can be as big as a few hundred to thousands of kilometers, while others can be as huge and wide as the distance between the Pacific and Antarctic plates. Tectonic plates also vary in thickness, ranging from less than 15 km for young oceanic lithosphere to about 200 km or more for ancient continental lithosphere.

Now that we are familiar with the terms associated with volcanic eruptions, let’s see what causes a volcano to erupt.

What causes a volcano to erupt?

 The major reason behind the eruption of a volcano is the increase in pressure on the chamber lid that causes the magma to be released from beneath it. However, the cause of a volcanic eruption may vary according to the magma movement and the type of eruption generated.

Generally, volcanoes are found near the boundaries of the Earth’s tectonic plates. These plates can either spread apart or leave a gap on the surface. Or, they can push underneath one another (a process called subduction). When the plates separate, the magma slowly rises to fill the gap through a gentle explosion of thin basaltic lava (whose temperature ranges between 800-1200 degrees Celcius). However, when one plate pushes underneath the other, this forces molten rock, sediments, and seawater into the magma chamber. The rock and the sediment melt down into fresh magma and eventually overfill the chamber until it erupts. As a result, it releases sticky and thick andesitic lava (ranging from a temperature between 800-100 degrees Celsius).

There are several factors that cause a volcanic eruption. Plate tectonics is, however, not the only cause of eruptions. Decreasing temperatures can cause old magma to crystalize and sink to the bottom of the chamber, forcing fresh liquefied magma up and out – similar to what happens when a brick is dropped in a bucket of water. A decrease in external pressure on the magma chamber may also allow for an eruption by minimizing its ability to hold back increasing pressures from the inside. This is often caused by natural events, such as typhoons, that decrease rock density, or by glacial melting on top of the chamber lid, which alters molten rock composition. So-called ‘hot-spot’ volcanoes are ones that form away from tectonic plate boundaries. They are created as plates move and expose hot uprisings from Earth’s mantle, known as plumes.

In a nutshell:

Over several years, many mountains form by folding, faulting, and erosion of the earth’s crust. Volcanic terrain, however, is built by the slow accumulation of erupted lava. The vent may be visible as a small bowl-shaped depression at the summit of a cone or shield-shaped mountain.

Through a series of cracks within and beneath the volcano, the vent connects to one or more linked storage areas of molten or partially molten rock (magma). This connection to fresh magma allows the volcano to erupt over and over again in the same location. In this way, the volcano grows ever larger, until it is no longer stable. Pieces of the volcano collapse as rock falls or as landslides.

Now that we know what causes a volcano to erupt, let’s have a look at the factors that determine a volcanic eruption.

Learn the Inside-outs of a volcano

1. What are the types of volcanoes?

There are various types of volcanoes. Based on their types and formation, there are 3 classic types of volcanoes:

● Cinder Cone Volcanoes


Cinder Cones are the simplest type of volcano and are built from particles and blobs of congealed lava ejected from a single vent. They are commonly found in western North America as well as throughout other volcanic terrains of the world.

Composite Volcanoes (Stratovolcanoes)


Some of the earth’s grandest mountains are composite volcanoes. Otherwise known as Stratovolcanoes, these are typically steep sides with symmetrical cones of large dimensions. These are built of alternating layers of lava flows, volcanic ash, cinders, blocks, and bombs. Examples of composite volcanoes include Mount Fuji in Japan, Mount Shasta in California, Mount Hood in Oregon, and others.

● Shield Volcanoes


Shield volcanoes are built almost entirely of fluid lava flows. They are built up slowly by the accretion of thousands of highly fluid lava flows called basalt lava that spread widely over great distances, and then cool as thin, gently dipping sheets. Mauna Loa and Kilauea are examples of shield volcanoes. 

● Lava Domes


Volcanic or lava domes are formed by relatively small, bulbous masses of lava too viscous to flow any great distance; consequently, on extrusion, the lava piles over and around its vent. They commonly occur within the craters or on the flanks of large composite volcanoes. Examples include the Novarupta Dome formed during the 1912 eruption of Katmai Volcano, Alaska.

Based on their eruption activity, there are 3 types of volcanoes:

  • Active volcanoes (have a recent history of eruptions and are likely to erupt again)
  • Dormant Volcanoes (not erupted for a long time but may erupt in the future)
  • Extinct Volcanoes (not expected to erupt in the future)

2. What were the recent deadliest volcanic eruptions in 2022?


The below-mentioned volcanic eruptions have been noted as the most volatile volcanic eruptions:

  1. Piton de la Fournaise, France (22 Dec, 2021-17 Jan, 2022)
  2. Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai, Tonga (5 Dec 2021- continuing)
  3. Ambae, Vanuatu (5 Dec 2021- continuing)
  4. Pinatubo, Philippines (30 Nov, 2021)
  5. Iliwerung, Indonesia (28 Nov, 2021- 29 Nov, 2021)

3. What are the impacts and effects of volcanic eruptions?

Depending on their eruption intensity and flow, volcanic eruptions can have minor to major impacts on the surrounding residents as well as on the climate.

Some of the common effects of volcanic eruptions are:

  1. Explosive ashes ejected during the eruption can cause visual impairment in humans.
  2. The smoke exiting during an eruption makes the air chemically toxic for breathing.
  3. The lava ejected during the eruption can burn down plants and other ecosystems.
  4. The emission of volcanic gases modifies the composition of the atmosphere. If the gases reach higher altitudes, the effects are particularly strong and long-lasting.

What causes a volcano to erupt? We believe you have a definite answer to the big question now. Volcanic eruptions are harmful to the environment as much as they are to humans. Although scientists are attempting to predict an eruption before its occurrence, it can be regarded as another mystery of nature that will take years to decode this majestic natural enigma.

ALSO READ: 25 Alluring Facts about NASA that will feed your Curiosity

The post Answering the Big Question: What causes a volcano to erupt? appeared first on The Education Magazine.

5 Crucial Wind Power Advantages to fuel the Energy in Future https://www.theeducationmagazine.com/wind-power-advantages/ Fri, 05 Aug 2022 12:28:26 +0000 https://www.theeducationmagazine.com/?p=16195 “The fuel in the earth will be exhausted in a thousand or more years, and its mineral wealth, but man will find substitutes for these in the winds, the waves, the sun’s heat, and so forth.” These brilliant words by John Burroughs actually predicted the need for new energy sources. The extinction of traditional energy […]

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The fuel in the earth will be exhausted in a thousand or more years, and its mineral wealth, but man will find substitutes for these in the winds, the waves, the sun’s heat, and so forth.” These brilliant words by John Burroughs actually predicted the need for new energy sources. The extinction of traditional energy sources was inevitable, however, renewable energy resources assured meeting the energy crisis in the future. There is merely any other source than the wind that has been available abundantly in nature. With the help of this blog, you can throw a glance at how the future can be bright with wind power advantages.

What is Wind Energy?


Wind turbines create energy. This process consists of three blades that spin by the force of the wind. Generators of turbines convert that mechanical energy into electricity. It is then sent through transmission lines to the electricity grid and delivered to homes and businesses. IT is the future of power proliferation as according to data released by International Energy Agency (IEA), offshore wind farms could generate more than 420,000 TW-hours per year worldwide which is more than 18 times global electricity demand today.

Wind Power Advantages


Wind energy has a major range of benefits and people can use it for thousands of years in sailing and milling. Nowadays, people use it to generate clean and sustainable fuel to reduce fossil fuel combustion. This has made many countries self-sufficient in terms of energy. These wind power advantages speak about economic and environmental benefits in a long term.

1. Generate Electricity

Electricity Generation is one of the major wind power advantages as it tackles the wind energy shortages. China produces the maximum amount of wind energy across the world which accounts for about 45GW of energy from 80 wind farms and aims to reach all its energy needs from wind energy alone by 2030. Moreover, wind capacity has reached 743 GW in 2020 both onshore and offshore, according to the Global Wind Energy Council.

2. Clean Source Fuel

Wind Energy produces a clean source of fuel as it does not emit any greenhouse gas. Moreover, it does not rely on the combustion of other fossil fuels such as natural gas or coal. According to the American Wind Energy Association, a small residential wind turbine can offset approximately 1.2 tons of air pollutants and 200 tons of greenhouse gas pollutants. The major benefits of clean source fuel are having sustainable development, saving non-renewable natural resources, and reducing the consequences of acid rain, smog, etc.

3. Cost-effectiveness

Land-based wind turbines are the cheapest energy source on the earth as wind is a free energy source for power breeding. It provides energy security for the economy and bridges the demand and supply gap of electricity. According to the Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, just 1-2 cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh) of power produced through windmills can be sold at a fixed price for a longer period of time. U.S. wind energy will continue to be one of the lowest-cost electricity generation technology available at the price of half the expected cost of just running a natural gas power plant.

4. Domestic Energy Resource

You can establish windmills at existing farms and they help to preserve the space to avoid land acquisition complications. Likewise, this domestic energy resource does not require fuel importation. Therefore, other agriculture allied activities can take place simultaneously like grazing, farming, etc. It diversifies the rural economy by empowering farmers as now power proliferation takes place at a local level. For example, Block Island, Rhode Island makes good money out of wind power plants where average annual payments of more than $7,000 per megawatt of installed capacity are common.

5. Job Creation

Since wind power breeding is modern technology, it is capable of providing massive job opportunities in the field of design, manufacturing, maintenance, installation of wind turbines, and other supporting services. According to a report by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), the renewable energy industry has employed over 10 million people worldwide in 2017. It reached a new high of more than 116,800 full-time workers at the end of 2020.

Future of Wind Energy


Wind energy has applications in wide areas. Distributed wind systems produce clean, emissions-free power for homes, farms, schools, and businesses. Today, nearly 70,000 wind turbines across the USA are generating reliable power. This shows how the wind energy system has a bright future ahead.

1. Silent Wind Turbines

People living near the area of wind energy plants face trouble with noise pollution due to turbines. Silent wind turbines help to fix this problem. eco whisper turbine is one such example which steps away from the traditional tri-bladed design and instead employs 30 blades to harness the power. Three eco whispers are available in two models, the 20 kW and a 5 kW, and they operate in almost complete silence.

2. Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Wind Power Grid

In wind power plants, electricity data and weather data might be useful for effective project operations. AI can help to identify suitable project sites and determine the best project locations for wind turbines. Additionally, during the manufacturing phase, AI can track the equipment delivery and improve the product design of wind turbines by using past data of common failures as well as enhance the product performance. Based on consumer data, it helps in better integration of wind power into the grid to fill up the demand and supply deficit. Also, it aids in weather forecasting to fix the limitation caused by wind fluctuation while energy breeding.

3. Shifting to a Modular Platform

Wind turbine manufacturers continue to search for the most efficient turbines in an attempt to reduce Levelized Costs of Energy (LCOE) after shifting to a modular platform. It offers the highest performance of energy proliferation within the smallest volume of control to boost annual energy production. Moreover, it reduces service delivery time to market and increases flexibility in wind turbine operations.

4. Community-Owned Wind Power

Mostly, local authorities own community wind projects consisting of turbines that can vary in number, type, and size. They supply local electricity for schools, hospitals, businesses, farms, ranches, or community facilities. Baywind Energy Cooperative is the first community-owned wind installation in the UK, built-in 1996. It generates around 10,000 MWh of electricity each year providing power to around 30,000 homes. It will help to stabilize the energy prices for communities in the future, with no fuel cost and less operational cost.

5. Multipurpose Offshore Wind Turbines

Establishing offshore wind power projects is beneficial as they have abundant and strong resources than land-based projects. Ecofys is leading a project that would turn offshore wind farms into actual farms. It will diversify the multiple applications of offshore wind turbines and local farmers will get benefit from it. Seaweed cultivation around offshore wind turbines and harvesting for the production of fish and animal feed, biofuels and energy secures new sources of income for farmers.

Securing Energy Needs


To sum up, wind technology is leaping ahead all the time, and while some of these innovations are just concepts at the moment but can come into reality in the future. That is to say, some of them are either in prototype or testing phases and could enter the energy market in the near future. Wind energy augmentation stands out to be the most efficient renewable energy resource. It secures your present and future needs without causing harm to the environment. This blog will enrich your depth of knowledge regarding wind power advantages and the future of wind power technology.

Trupti Munde

READ MORE: Who is the real predator? Who killed the birds?

The post 5 Crucial Wind Power Advantages to fuel the Energy in Future appeared first on The Education Magazine.

10 Unheard Facts about Ocean Pollution that will make you think https://www.theeducationmagazine.com/facts-about-ocean-pollution/ Thu, 02 Jun 2022 10:55:44 +0000 https://www.theeducationmagazine.com/?p=15609 All of us know that water bodies account for 71% of the natural equilibrium and constitute an important part of the natural cycle. Thus, a significant amount of living species live inside the water, predominantly inside oceans. Unfortunately, human intervention has put these aquatic lives in jeopardy. It is predicted that plastics will outnumber marine […]

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All of us know that water bodies account for 71% of the natural equilibrium and constitute an important part of the natural cycle. Thus, a significant amount of living species live inside the water, predominantly inside oceans. Unfortunately, human intervention has put these aquatic lives in jeopardy. It is predicted that plastics will outnumber marine life by 2050. This mass pollution from plastic, oil, fabrics, and industrial waste, is not only affecting marine life but also pushing marine species to extinction. Not only this, there are many unsettling facts about ocean pollution that are hard to digest.

However, it is not too late if we act immediately. It is important to be concerned and aware of the damage and consequences led by pollution. So, let’s look at some daunting facts about ocean pollution which will hopefully give us the required push to act.

Facts about Ocean Pollution

1. There are more microplastic particles in the water than stars in the Milky Way galaxy.

Every year, 8 million tonnes of plastic enter the oceans. It’s the equivalent of tossing a garbage truck full of plastic into the ocean every minute. Plastic does not decay; instead, sun exposure and wave action break it down into progressively smaller bits known as microplastic (smaller than 5 mm). Then it can make its way up the food chain, but it never goes away.

2. Every year, over 100,000 marine species die because of entanglement and ingestion of plastic.

Plastic waste can absorb poisonous compounds from pollution in the ocean, killing anything that eats it. It poses a serious health risk to a variety of aquatic species and the entire marine ecosystem. Plastic has been ingested by more than half of all sea turtles. Ocean pollution kills about one million seabirds every year, and 300,000 dolphins and porpoises are killed by being entangled in discarded fishing nets and other debris.

3. Land-based pollution is the most significant cause of pollution in the ocean.

Land-based pollution

Larger causes of pollution in the water include oil, soil, sewage tanks, farms, ranches, and motor vehicles. Every day, tens of thousands of tonnes of rubbish and debris are dumped into the ocean. When plastic dissolves, which takes about 400 years for most plastics, toxins are released into the environment, further polluting the oceans.

4. There is so much trash at sea that gigantic garbage patches have formed, the greatest of which being the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

Garbage patches formed by the trash can be found from the ocean’s surface to the ocean’s depths. In the ocean, there are five gyres: one in the Indian Ocean, two in the Atlantic, and two in the Pacific. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is the largest.

5. In the Pacific Ocean, there is a trash island twice the size of Texas:

There are about 1.8 trillion bits of rubbish in the North Pacific Gyre off the coast of California. In the immediate neighbourhood, the amount of floating plastic bits outnumbers total marine life by a factor of six.

6. Microfibers cause pollution as well.

Over 700,000 synthetic microfibers are washed into our waterways with each cycle of laundry. Unlike natural fibers like cotton or wool, synthetic microfibers account for up to 85% of all non-biodegradable beach rubbish.

7. Oil spills kill marine life by suffocating it, causing behavioral abnormalities and a collapse in thermal insulation in those who survive.

Oil spills kill marine

Oil is the most rapid source of ocean degradation, significantly more destructive than trash and waste. However, genuine oil spills account for just around a quarter of the oil discharged in the ocean (about 12%). Most oil that pollutes the water comes from land drainage. It essentially transforms an afflicted area’s entire ecosystem, such as a lengthy coastline or deep ocean.

8. Toxic metals can harm marine life’s biochemistry, behavior, reproduction, and growth.

Oil, trash, and solid wastes are not the only sources of contamination in the ocean. Pollution is also caused by the discharge of radioactive waste from nuclear reactors, industrial waste (such as heavy metals and acids), and sewage that has been drained.

9. The number of dead zones is increasing.

Eutrophication has created large dead zones in many regions of the world, including the Gulf of Mexico and the Baltic Sea. In 2004, scientists discovered 146 hypoxia or dead zones in the world’s oceans, which are places with such low oxygen concentrations that animal life suffocates and dies. By 2008, the figure had risen to 405. Oceanographers discovered the largest dead zone ever measured in the Gulf of Mexico in 2017, about the size of New Jersey.

10. Increased ocean acidification is the effect of greenhouse gas emissions.

Ocean acidification causes mussel populations to decline. Bivalves such as mussels, clams, and oysters are finding it more difficult to create shells, reducing their chances of survival, disturbing the food chain, and harming the multibillion-dollar shellfish business.

The Change starts with you…!

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Just like the amount of plastic, there are many unsettling facts about ocean pollution that you should be concerned about. If things continue like this, we will be the victim of our own irresponsibility. “Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow”, a quote which pretty much goes with every aspect of life and seriously implies the current situation of the ocean bodies.

Start spreading awareness, reduce, reuse, and recycle the usage of plastics. Pick up litter whenever you see it, no matter what it is, and dispose of it correctly. It is the 21st century and we have every resource available to make a bright future ahead, but we are forgetting our grounds. Let’s put a stop to any form of pollution. And be aware and responsible as the change starts with you.

Also Read: Shark Species are on the Verge of Extinction! Read why

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Roadmap to Tackling Climate Change: 5 Ways we can save the Planet https://www.theeducationmagazine.com/tackling-climate-change/ Wed, 06 Apr 2022 10:01:36 +0000 https://www.theeducationmagazine.com/?p=15378 From spontaneous forest fires to scorching heatwaves and melting ice caps, the effects of climate change are real and alarming. Recently, the UN scientists have groped the climate change topic in a serious manner and have laid out a strategic plan, which, they believe could help people avoid the worst impacts of rising temperatures. Summarization […]

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From spontaneous forest fires to scorching heatwaves and melting ice caps, the effects of climate change are real and alarming. Recently, the UN scientists have groped the climate change topic in a serious manner and have laid out a strategic plan, which, they believe could help people avoid the worst impacts of rising temperatures.

Summarization of the Report

To begin with, the report calls for a revolution in the way we produce energy and power on the planet. Generated by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), it suggests reducing carbon emissions. However, the technology to pull a significant amount of carbon dioxide from the air will be required to keep the temperatures down.

Here’s what the scientists suggest is critical to keeping the world safe and why they do so:

1. New Coal Plants

“No new coal plants” is the prime and foremost message by the UN for saving the planet from impending doom. To keep the world under 1.5C requires emissions to peak by 2025 and shrink by 43% by the end of this decade.

Why No Coal?

The burning of fossil fuels contributes to massive carbon emissions, which in turn results in global warming. Therefore, switching to renewable sources of energy, such as solar and wind, can be an effective way to generate energy.

2. Technological Fix

In the past, several ideas for a technological fix to climate change have been laid out on the table. They were mocked, knocked, or blocked out due to factors like the expensive nature of technology and the unavailability of resources. Now that climate change has escalated and cutting CO2 emissions seems difficult, it seems a good time to look back at technology again.

Why Technological Fix?

The idea of carbon dioxide removal (CDR) has now gone fully mainstream with the endorsement of the IPCC in this latest report. Keeping temperatures down won’t really be possible without some form of removal, be it via trees or air filtering machines.

3. Curbing Energy Dependency

The IPCC believes changes in these areas could limit emissions from end-use sectors by 40-70% by 2050 while improving well-being. Electric cars can make a big difference to emissions from transport but need investment in charging technology to speed the uptake.

How reducing dependency can help?

Reducing our dependency on energy could be a key player. By reducing people’s demand for energy in the areas of shelter, mobility and nutrition, we can shift to carbon-friendly options.

4. Eco-investing

Despite the preaches on sustainability and environmental friendliness, a lot of cash is flowing toward fossil fuels and not clean energy climate solutions. If fossil fuel subsidies from governments were removed, this would reduce emissions by up to 10% by 2030.

Why Eco-investment?

For a long, combating climate change has been delayed due to the (perceived) high-cost implications. However, this notion has changed in recent years as the financial toll of climate disasters has steadily climbed.

5. Riches to the rescue

According to the IPCC, the 10% of households with the highest per capita emissions contribute up to 45% of consumption-based household greenhouse gas emissions. The world’s richest people are spending way too much of their money on mobility, including on private jets. Wealthy individuals can help the world go net-zero.

Why Wealthy Individuals?

Wealthy individuals contribute disproportionately to higher emissions but they have a high potential for emissions reductions, whilst maintaining high levels of well-being and a decent living standard.

Related: 20 Climate Change Quotes by Inspirational Leaders to Ignite Transformation

The post Roadmap to Tackling Climate Change: 5 Ways we can save the Planet appeared first on The Education Magazine.

Why making Daylight saving Time Permanent is a Good Move? https://www.theeducationmagazine.com/daylight-saving-time/ Wed, 16 Mar 2022 10:56:10 +0000 https://www.theeducationmagazine.com/?p=15153 Did you know that some places around the world have one 23-hour day in the late winter or early spring and one 25-hour day in the winter? Yes, you read it right! The concept of daylight saving time is the reason behind this phenomenon. Daylight saving time is the practice of advancing the clocks typically […]

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Did you know that some places around the world have one 23-hour day in the late winter or early spring and one 25-hour day in the winter?

Yes, you read it right!

The concept of daylight saving time is the reason behind this phenomenon. Daylight saving time is the practice of advancing the clocks typically by one hour during the warmer months to extend the daylight hours during the conventional working time. The clocks are turned back by one hour at the start of winter to resume to the standard time.

Daylight Saving Time is Now Permanent!

For years, there has been a constant debate on whether this twice-yearly changing of the clock is required or not. While some people believed it was a good move, some thought the opposite. To end this decades-long debate, the United States Senate has recently approved a bill to make daylight saving time permanent. The act called ‘sunshine protection act’ was unanimously voted.

Making daylight savings time permanent would mean Americans will not have to change the clocks twice a year as it will extend the sunrise and sunset throughout the year. This move is being welcomed by many experts who have been advocating for the same for years.

Here is why making daylight saving permanent is an excellent move!

1. Irrelevance of Energy Conservation

Energy conservation is said to be one of the prominent reasons why daylight saving time actually started. However, with time, the argument seems to be getting irrelevant. For instance, the reason behind advancing the clock by one hour was that people would spend more time in daylight and hence use fewer artificial lights.

But if we think closely, more daylight would mean more use of appliances such as fan and air conditioner, which would result in much more energy consumption. The same would be the case with the heaters in winter. So, keeping the daylight saving time permanent would help reduce these inconsistencies.

2. Consistent Schedule

If you move the clock forward and backward twice a year, there is a significant change in sunrise and sunset timings throughout the year. However, if the time signature is permanent, it would obviously become easy to schedule your day in a better way.

A consistent sleep schedule, in particular, is important for optimal health. And when the clock is shuffled by an hour during the spring, you would lose your one hour of sleep. This seems to be a small change, but might have severe health consequences as well as affect your productivity in the long run. Hence, permanent daylight saving time promises to be a far better option.

3. Changes in Time Zones

Daylight saving time is not limited to the United States only. It is implemented in several other countries as well. However, a majority of countries in the world—particularly the ones located near the equator—do not follow it.

Hence, if you want to plan a meeting across continents, it would be really tricky to schedule considering the difference in time zones as well as daylight saving time. If the daylight saving time is permanent across the year, it would mean it is the standard time for that particular region and hence would make planning and scheduling meetings across time zones more seamless.

In a nutshell, the actual purpose of daylight saving time just did not seem to stay relevant with the time. Thus, eliminating the hassle of changing the time twice a year and the challenges associated with it is definitely a good move!

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The post Why making Daylight saving Time Permanent is a Good Move? appeared first on The Education Magazine.
