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Medicine & Health


The Origin of Human Immunodeficiency Virus

The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) has become a global public health issue. At the end of 2021, an estimated 37.7 million people had HIV infections(1), ...
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Does social media encourage cosmetic surgery?

There are some who suggest that it might be possible that social media has an undue influence on if and how people decide to get ...
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Keep your fat in check by Calculating your Body Mass Index

Have you ever wondered how much fat consists in what part of your body? Certainly, fitness enthusiasts are aware of it courtesy of health consciousness ...
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10 Activities to frame your Self-esteem and think positive about yourself

As Maria Robinson once said, “Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” Similarly, ...
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7 Important Self Evaluation Tips to Present Your Best Version

Every company has its unique process for assessing the performance of employees. The whole evaluation procedure by the talent acquisition systems at organizations supports the ...
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Cancer Drug Trial

Breakthrough or a Miracle? Cancer Drug Trial gets 100% Results

Cancer treatment has always been a life-or-death crisis. Even after 5-7 million years of humanity, researchers and scientists are still striving to find an assured ...
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Psychedelics and Mental Health

Psychedelics and Mental Health: Two Sides of the Same Coin?

For years, the debate around hallucinogenic drugs being an effective therapeutical remedy has been around the corner. Several studies in the past have suggested the ...
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HIV-cure procedure

Is the breakthrough ‘HIV-cure’ applicable for the larger masses?

For a long period of time, diseases like cancer and HIV-AIDS have been labeled as incurable. For years, scientists and researchers have been scratching their ...
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Bioelectricity in Humans

How Studying Bioelectricity in Humans could help fight critical diseases?

Did you know that the human body also has electricity flowing inside? Yes, It’s true. Bioelectricity, which refers to the electrical flow of currents in ...
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Organ Transplantation

The Present and Future of Organ Transplantation

Organ transplantation is the surgical process of inserting and applying a healthy and proper functioning organ into a person’s body in place of a failed/damaged ...
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Medical marijuana

Medical marijuana may help children with severe epilepsy

Key Highlights: British researchers discovered that medicinal marijuana lowered seizures by over 90% and reduced the need for standard drugs. The current research involved ten ...
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Vienna exhibition

The Vienna exhibition tests ethics of showing human remains

Key Highlights: Showcasing human medical remains The recent refurbishment of one of Vienna’s famed Natural History Museum’s collections presented curators with a fresh challenge in ...
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