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Tio University of Applied Sciences: Offering Personal, Excellent and Entrepreneurial Education

Tio University of Applied Sciences

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In today’s dynamic world, industries are getting more customer-oriented, including the hospitality industry. It is important to have good management with all qualified staff to provide a better quality of service. Hence, the role of universities that are offering excellent hospitality and tourism programs is becoming more crucial. Numerous students are aspiring to take advantage of the situation and get established in the industry. It is important for them to inculcate all the necessary management skills and apply them to the real world. If you are a student looking for a career in the hospitality industry, Tio University of Applied Sciences for Hospitality, Business, and Tourism is the perfect place to begin your journey.

Tio University of Applied Sciences is a private institution located in the Netherlands, offering award-winning bachelor programmes in the fields of tourism, hospitality, event management, and business. Students are offered three vocational programmes and six bachelor programmes, of which four are offered fully in English. The Bachelor of Hotel & Event Management combines the best of two industries i.e. the world of top-class hotels and five-star restaurants with that of major events and conventions.

Throughout the programme, you will gain all the necessary management skills while specializing in hospitality and event management through a challenging curriculum. Besides this programme, you can also opt for Tio’s International Tourism Management, International Business Management, and Commerce, Entrepreneurship and Organisations bachelor programmes. Tio University of Applied Sciences follows a small-scale and personal education model, to enable personal attention to each student. On average a class comprises of just 11 students. This ensures that you get adequate personal attention allowing you to reach your full potential.

Tio believes in learning by doing; you will be constantly challenged to apply everything you have learned in class. It is guaranteed that you will improve your entrepreneurial skills. Alongside this, you will also learn how to be a top-manager while gaining many international experiences. All the lecturers teaching at Tio have extensive experience in their respective fields and help the students to excel during the projects. A student is guaranteed to have interesting internships as Tio has an international network and excellent contacts within the industry.

Encouraging students

The bonding within the industry helps Tio to provide students with a personal, hands-on approach and many opportunities to excel. All the programmes have been proclaimed as the best programmes of the Netherlands in their respective fields. Tio doesn’t believe in numbers as no student is a number here. All lecturers know their students by name. This helps in motivating the students and creates a study environment in which students feel safe and welcomed. Tio believes in an open-door policy that fosters transparency and encourages students to ask any questions that might help you in the present as well as in the future.

In light of this, every student gets assigned a study coach to keep track of the study progress. Besides this, the campuses are equipped with great IT facilities, working areas and several practice classrooms such as restaurants, the professional cooking studio and the hotel reception room. As a private institution of applied sciences, Tio responds quickly to the demands of the industry and to student’s wishes. It believes in anything that is being suggested today can be implemented tomorrow, ensuring the programmes are always fully aligned to the most recent developments in the industry.

Hands-on experience for all the Students

To thoroughly prepare you for a professional career, Tio offers the opportunity to go on an internship thrice. Students will encounter several growth opportunities at the university. On top of that, students wishing to excel can opt for the minor management development internship, during which the student gets acquainted with the role of manager and develops all the necessary skills. You can also choose from a variety of internships at top-class companies and organizations both in the Netherlands as well as abroad. All thanks to Tio’s wide national and international network within the industry. The hands-on experiences during the studies at Tio help the students and also employers during the deployment. Many of its alumni choose an entrepreneurial career and start their own business after graduating. The alumni network helps these former students in kick-starting their careers.

Affordable programs along with financial aid

Today, a quality education costs a lot of money but being a private institute, a bachelor’s degree at Tio is more affordable than one might think. EU students can use the Erasmus loan system to finance their international internships and non-EU students can use the available scholarships, with the help of which you can practically finance the programs. EU students can be eligible for student finance provided they work a minimum of 56 hours a month based on an official employment contract, or if the student has lived in the Netherlands for 5 consecutive years or more. For non-EU students, Tio offers scholarships of 25% or 50% of the tuition fee, based on previous study results and a motivational letter. These measures ensure Tio can welcome as many international students as possible, allowing for an international atmosphere at the campuses.

Developing future programs

The programs offered today cannot be offered tomorrow as there is constant change in the industry. This would result in a static course that would disinterest students. Tio is constantly working on further developing a new portfolio of study programmes along with improving the curricula that are currently standing. Recently, two new Dutch study programmes have been launched: Business Economics and Law. Also, the English programme International Business Management will be offered at the campuses in Rotterdam and Eindhoven, allowing its newest international students to get acquainted with the “business heart of the Netherlands” and the “city of innovation”.

Defeating the pandemic

Many industries are being affected by the current pandemic situation and everyone is handling the situation in their own ways. Once this pandemic is over, there will be an inevitable influence on the hospitality and tourism industry, but as this industry has proved its resilience multiple times in the past, it is likely that the upcoming challenges will be tackled.

To a great extent thanks to the newest hospitality and tourism professionals making their way in the field. Tio has the ability to respond quickly to any external development. In light of the current pandemic situation, all students were offered online lessons from the very first moment of the partial lockdown in the Netherlands. Also, it provided all students with the flexibility to select their own study path by offering the option to postpone internships and to get online classes in summer instead. When it comes to international admissions, Tio is working hard to welcome as many international students to the Netherlands as possible.

Tio University of Applied Sciences

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The Educational landscape is changing dynamically. The new generation of students thus faces the daunting task to choose an institution that would guide them towards a lucrative career.

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